Hello. It's Belinda.
I'm writing this at 4 a.m. "Eastern Standard Time."
And by that I mean the real time. More on that later.
The reason I'm up at this hour is the t_ _ _ t_ _ _. They don't work in the middle of the night as far as I know.
I'm trying to get a little message out before they see it. Last week they pulled a fast one.
I still don't know what I'm allowed to say about the "big cute event." But I can't wait another minute.
So click this ASAP before they see me online.
Can you believe it?
This is huge. Tell your friends.
On to the next subject. Time.
Daylight Saving Time begins in a few days. I'm not participating.
I explained all of this a year ago in my blog called "Dark Side of the Bun."
I said it then and I'll say it now.
You can't move the sun ahead an hour. It doesn't work that way.
So I'm going to stay put. I'll see you all in six months when you come "back."
I have no idea how this is going to work but it's worth a shot.
Not to be grumpy but come on. I'm not a yo-yo.
It's almost 5 a.m. now and I am nodding off. But I need to tell you a story about St. Patrick's Day.
My roommate was teasing Little Fang and me all week. Every time she came down to the bottom level to feed us or use the dryer she had a little smile.
"I thought I saw a leprechaun run down the steps. Did you ladies see him?"
We just ignored her.
Then again the next day.
"Belinda, I heard pipe music through the vents. Was that your leprechaun friend playing a jig?"
I pretended to read my hay reports.
By yesterday morning, I was ready for her mischief.
When I heard her walking down the steps with breakfast, I ran under the utility sink to hide.
"Good morning!" She was singing. "Guess who I have with me!"
What do you know.
It was the leprechaun.

I mean on the bag of healthy snackers.
Ignore the photo of me in the shamrocks. That's just decoration.
You can see all the St. Patrick's Day goodies here.
And I'll see you next week or in six months.
"Whatever comes first."
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
Would you like to read more of Belinda's weekly blogs? See them all HERE.