Hello. It's Belinda. Today I need to write about Enzo's performance review. But first I need to share a message I got from one of my friends. It's about last week's blog. It wasn't really a blog in my opinion. More of a fun little "yarn" called "The Story of the Magic Rabbit." The rabbit's name is Joan and … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “The Story of the Magic Rabbit”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope your first week of Daylight Spending Time is going well. As for me, I'm eating nonstop. I'm chewing a big "hank" of hay right now as a matter of fact. Speaking of eating I have exciting news. The St. Patrick's Day specials are back. That's right. Today's your lucky day if you want great … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Daylight Spending Time”
Hello. It's Belinda. I have a trick question for you. What time is it? That's right. It's back. "Daylight Saving Time." If everything looks "off" today that's why. The light isn't where it's supposed to be. If you've been reading my blogs for a while, you know I'm not a fan of "marching ahead" and "falling behind." Come on. In fact every time … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Random Notes”
Hello. It's Belinda. I'm going to try out something new here today. I don't have a choice. I'm in a real "jam" if you know what I mean. Next week I'm writing a blog about Daylight Saving Time. "Again." Every six months I go through this. For example, do you remember what happened last spring when they "monkeyed around" with the … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “How Do You Rate a Rabbit?”
Hello. It's Belinda. Last week I mentioned Enzo's big anniversary. It's been a year since he took over Abigail's novelist job. He calls it "Abigail's House of Buns" and he writes a new chapter every week. Not an easy thing to pull off if you ask me. I also mentioned that I'm supposed to conduct a "performance review" for him. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Enzo’s Anniversary”
Hello. It's Belinda. It's Valentine's Day weekend. A perfect time to celebrate your love of treats and other goodies. And the good news is the Valentine's Day specials are still going strong on the website. Vine hearts for chewing. Flower Power Herbal Blend for sprinkling on hay or just eating off a saucer. A holiday bundle in a fancy … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Love Poems”
Hello. It's Belinda. First I want to thank everyone for your positive feedback last week. Just in case you missed it, I "unveiled" my word of the year. I've never had a word of the year before. They say it's supposed to help you do your job. So I guess we'll see. "Stay tuned." OK now for the main event. It's … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “The Word Is …”
Hello. It's Belinda. Do you ever wake up in the middle of the night with a "hankering?" I mean for a specific treat or snack. If you want oat hay, I'm sorry to say this, but timothy isn't going to do. If you want a County Loop, same thing. A snacker won't cut it. The problem is, your stash might … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “What Abigail Taught Me”
Hello. It's Belinda. How is your month going so far? I have a case of the "Januaries."All I want to do is hibernate. Give me a burrow and some orchard hay and I'll see you on Groundhog Day. Just kidding.Today I want to write about Abigail. I know a lot of you are big fans. Me too. She left us a … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “California Rabbits”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope you are having a good weekend so far. Staying warm. I mentioned in last week's blog that I'm not supposed to watch the news. My roommate won't let me. She knows how I worry if I see bad storms or other scary events on TV. Well now I know why. The other day she … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Your Words”
Hello. It's Belinda. I have a personal question. Do you watch the news much? I'm not allowed. My roommate won't let me. She knows how I worry. Right now that means about the weather. There's terrible weather all over the country. I'm supposed to be working on my goals for 2025. They're due on the 15th. But all I do is … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “What Is Your Word for 2025?”
Hello. It's Belinda. I'd like to wish everyone a "Happy First Chew." That's the holiday I invented in last week's blog. I wrote about the ways rabbits like to celebrate the new year. By rabbits I mean me and Little Fang. You can read all about that here. How were your holidays? Did Santa bring you any new toys … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Party Like a Rabbit”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope your holidays are good so far. Let me know what you're up to. That includes the "wee ones" in your house. I'm supposed to be working but I'm slow as molasses. Mostly because my roommate is extra loud these days. "Holiday spirit" if you know what I mean. Which brings me to the topic … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “A Homemade Christmas Card”
Sincerely,Belinda, Little Fang, The Roommate... and the English_____________________________________________________________________________________Would you like to read more of Belinda's weekly blogs? See them all HERE.

Belinda Says Hay: “Photos of Abigail”
Hello. It's Belinda. I'm in a holiday mood. How is your shopping going so far? I hope you had time to check out the special deals in our Countdown to Christmas. Be sure to order ASAP. The deadline for delivery is coming up quick. Your small roommates are counting on you. They'll be looking under the tree for goodies. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Thundersnow”
Hello. It's Belinda. Are you in the holiday spirit yet? I am. Mostly because I've been writing about all our Countdown to Christmas deals. It's fun to look at all the toys. There's lots of A+ gift ideas for the "naughty and nice" rabbits on your list, The honeysuckle and hay candy cane for example. Or the oat and … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Holiday Weekend”
Hello. It's Belinda. I'm writing this way ahead of time. My roommate wants me to take time off for Thanksgiving. I told her I have too much to do but she won't budge. So if it seems a bit "rushed" you know why. Did you have a good Thanksgiving? I hope you get some time to relax over … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Co-blog with the Stray Rabbit”
Hello. It's Belinda. Today's blog is very special. Back in September, I wrote about a rabbit who was loose in my neighborhood. My roommate and some other humans got together to capture the rabbit. Turns out the rabbit was extra-sneaky and fast. But eventually the humans caught her in a trap. After that, many of you sent stories to me … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Let’s Talk About Treats”
Hello. It's Belinda. I've been working "overtime" on a very special blog for Thanksgiving. Watch for it next Sunday. Speaking of overtime. I'm even more "over" this Daylight Saving Time situation. For example, here's a photo of me at noon. Trying to find a treat I dropped on the floor.Just kidding. That's not noon but who can tell these … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “24-1=0, Part 2”
Hello. It's Belinda. This is part two of last week's blog. I ran out of time. Which is ironic when you consider what I was writing about. Daylight Saving Time. I'm not a fan. Are you? Every time they turn the clocks back I feel like a slug for weeks. No offense to slugs. So I keep trying to get the people … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “24-1=0”
Hello. It's Belinda. First things first. Did you go to Midwest BunFest last weekend? I heard a "rumor" that the team gave away a big stash of hay and treats at our table. If you tried any of the free samples, let me know if you liked them. I'm doing a little "market research." I'm still grumpy about staying home if … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “The Prank Backfired”
Hello. It's Belinda. Today's the day. Midwest BunFest in Columbus Ohio. Are you there? If so, I hope you have a fun time. Let me know if you go and what you liked best. Also I'd like to ask you to do a favor for me. Stop by the Small Pet Select table. Ask the "spokesperson" how the hay tastes. Spoiler … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Pranking the Petsitter”
Hello. It's Belinda. First things first. I want to thank everyone who checked in after my blog last week. I wrote about being worried about my friends after the recent hurricanes. That includes roommates and all animals. Some of you left comments or emailed me about having to evacuate your town. Or having trees fall in your yard, … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Please Check In”
Hello. It's Belinda. The past few weeks have been hard. Not for me. But for rabbits and other animals and roommates. I'm not allowed to watch the news. When I come into the living room, my roommate changes the channel. But I found out about the hurricanes. And all the floods. I heard my roommate talking about it on the … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”How to Catch a Stray Rabbit”
Hello. It's Belinda. I have a special guest today. My roommate. I've never done this before but I asked her to write this blog. It's about how to help a rabbit running loose outdoors. Like the baby rabbit in my neighborhood last month. My roommate and some other helpers teamed up to catch the rabbit. Which reminded me … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Stories from the Street”
Hello. It's Belinda. Next week I'm going to publish a very important blog. It's a co-blog with my roommate. I hope you will share it with all your friends. As for today's blog, it's also important. And some of my friends are helping me to write it. They tell the story better than I can. It all started when … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Midwest BunFest Is Sunday, Oct. 27”
Hello. It's Belinda. Happy first day of fall. It's my favorite time of year. Because fall means my favorite event is back. I'm talking about Midwest BunFest 2024. Are you going? I hope so. Midwest BunFest is organized by Ohio House Rabbit Rescue. They really know how to throw a party. Past years had more than 1,000 humans and 200 rabbits attend. One … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”The Loose Rabbit Is Safe”
Hello. It's Belinda. LAST-MINUTE UPDATE: Great news! The rabbit is safe. I just found out a minute ago. I am so relieved. I can’t believe it. I already had my blog written and I don’t have time to write a new one. So here’s part two of the lost rabbit story. I wrote the first part last week. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Helping a Lost Rabbit”
Hello. It's Belinda. I'm taking a big risk with today's blog. I hope I don't get in trouble. I was supposed to write more about "rabbit jobs" this week. To follow up on my Labor Day blog. But there's a bit of a situation in my neighborhood. I'm just going to "cut to the chase." Do you know this rabbit?I'm … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Every Rabbit has a Dream Job”
Hello. It's Belinda. It's Labor Day weekend. A fun holiday here in the USA. I hope you have time to relax, no matter where you live. Speaking of Labor Day. Did you see our specials? You can get up to 15% off your order when you use code LABORDAY15 at the checkout. Or stock up on your favorite bundles for … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Back Home Finally”
Hello. It's Belinda. Today's blog is a quick one. I hope you don't mind. I just got back from the petsitter's house and I'm still unpacking. Feels so good to be home. Close to my stash. I even snuck in a quick nap on my sleeping rug. "Out of spite." If you don't know what that means, you might want … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”What the English Did”
Hello. It's Belinda. Greetings from the “annex.” That’s what the petsitter calls it. The rabbit annex. Come on. It’s a basement. On the drive here, my roommate said we would be staying “in the rabbit room.” Sounded nice. Might be decorated with hay bales. With some sort of tunnels in the floor. Turned out it’s just an extra-large laundry room with … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Surprise Visit”
Hello. It's Belinda. This is a quick blog today. You'll see why in a minute. But first I want to thank everybody for all of the excellent ideas you’ve sent to me. For my survey about smells. I’m learning a lot about good and bad odors. "Keep it coming." Leave a comment below or email me at Belinda@smallpetselect.com. My big … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”A Survey for Rabbits”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope you are having a good summer so far. With time to relax. As for me, I'm still at the petsitter's house. So are Little Fang and the English. We mostly stay in big exercise pens but I get to run loose too. By the way the petsitter left her "tote" on the floor in the … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Catch Me”
Hello. It's Belinda. It all began yesterday afternoon. I was minding my own business as you can see in this photo.Suddenly I thought wait a minute. Something is happening. It sounds like my roommate is going into the rabbit supply closet. "I'd better investigate."Oh no. She took all three car carriers out. That means Little Fang and I will be stuck somewhere … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “At the Petsitter’s”
Hello. It's Belinda. Last week my blog was a "photo story." I hope you liked it. I didn't care for it if you want to know the truth. That's because it was all about my roommate trying to kidnap me for some mysterious reason. And not just me. Little Fang and the English too. She had all three car … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Your Fun Photos, Part 2”
Hello. It's Belinda. A few weeks ago I asked you to send some of your favorite photos to me. So I could use them in my blog. Last Sunday I published just a few. Thank you to everyone who sent nice messages about the photos and captions. You sent so many excellent "snaps" to me I decided to … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Your Fun Photos, Part 1”
Hello. It's Belinda. If you're in the US, I hope you're having a good holiday weekend. Did you see our Fourth of July specials? It's the perfect time to stock up on some of your favorites. Check them out here. Speaking of holiday. Today's blog is just for fun. Last week I asked you to send some of your favorite photos … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Please Send Photos”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope you are having a good weekend so far. "Keeping cool." This blog is extra short. I hope you don't mind. That's because the last two were "wordy" according to my roommate. Here's the first one. It's called "Treats for Humans." And this is "Treats for Humans, Part 2." She said all that typing wore her out. She has … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Treats for Humans, Part 2”
Hello. It's Belinda. This blog is a bit unusual. "To put it mildly." I had to get permission to publish it. This is actually "part two" of the blog I wrote last week. You can read it here. Last week's blog is called "Treats for Humans." And that's exactly what it's about. All I wanted to do is give my roommate … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Treats for Humans”
Hello. It's Belinda. First things first. Happy Father's Day to everyone who celebrates. I asked Enzo to pass along my best wishes to his roommate. I call him “Abigail’s dad.” I hope he gets a special surprise today. Over there at the "House of Buns." That goes for any dads reading my blog today. Enjoy your favorite snack today. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “I Drew My Roommate’s Arm”
Hello. It's Belinda. Have you been reading "Abigail's House Of Buns?" I hope so. Enzo is doing an excellent job. He even invited me for a "guest appearance" in this week's chapter. It's called "Enzo The Unicorn." Let me know what you think of it. As for my blog, today's is more drawing than words. That's because my roommate is supposed to … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Typos”
Hello. It's Belinda. I’m going to just blurt it out. My roommate fell and broke her arm. I don’t know what happened but she left for the grocery store and came home the next day. The pet sitter had to stay with us. That’s how long she was gone. She’s sitting on the couch right now and her … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “More Sky Nonsense”
Hello. It's Belinda. It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US. Wherever you are, I hope you'll have some time to relax. Did you hear about our holiday weekend deal? You can save 15% on bedding and treats. Tell your rabbit, chinchilla and cavy friends to use code MEMORIAL24 at checkout. See all the bedding and treats on … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Northern Lights”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope I get this blog done in time. The weather app says there's a tornado heading our way. Can you believe it? We're not supposed to have tornados in Pittsburgh. My roommate is down here on the bottom level hanging a tarp over the window. "Sorry it's so dark, bunnies." That's the least of my … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Mother’s Day Gift”
Hello. It's Belinda. Happy Mother's Day to everyone who celebrates. It's a good day for extra treats. I hope you get a few. Before I write about that I want to thank everyone for the nice messages you wrote about my blog last week. In case you missed it, I called it "Abigail's 1st Anniversary." Abigail was my "partner in … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Abigail’s 1st Anniversary”
Hello. It's Belinda. I haven't written about Abigail for a long time. Not since my Valentine's Day blog. But I think about her every day. We all do. I miss our weekly work meetings. Any time I was losing sleep over a project or having problems with "tech," Abigail would tell me not to worry. She was a … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Annoyed Roommate Department”
Hello. It's Belinda. This is a quick blog today. We're having some "tech" issues over here. More about that in a minute. First I want to remind you to read last week's blog. Just in case you missed it. It's a very professional "deep dive" into hay. Timothy is just the beginning. You can learn about oat hay and more … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “That’s Right. Hay.”
Hello. It's Belinda. If you missed last week's blog please don't read it. It's one big apology for all the eclipse nonsense. I'm so embarrassed. So I've made a decision. From now on I'm going to follow the rules. My blog is called "Belinda Says Hay" and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Talk about hay. If you're not in the … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “I Drew the Sun”
Hello. It's Belinda. Did you check out the eclipse? You're not supposed to look at it. My roommate drove to a town a few hours away and wore special glasses so she could see "totality." She said the whole neighborhood went dark. The moon went in front of the sun and blocked out all the light. Get this. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Countdown”
Hello. It's Belinda. It all started with a globe.First saw it when I was "foraging" in the kitchen one morning. Jumped a foot in the air if you want to know the truth. Next thing you know my roommate is using the globe to tell me all about the eclipse. I had never heard of eclipses. From the first minute … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Little Fang’s List, Part 2”
Hello. It's Belinda. Happy Easter to those who celebrate. Did the "Easter bunny" bring you a basket? I hope so. That's his job. Just kidding. I usually write about my roommate's Easter "antics." Every year she tears the house apart looking for candy. But I can't get into that right now. I promised a follow-up from last week's blog. If you missed … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Little Fang’s List”
Hello. It's Belinda. It all started the other night. I was dreaming and I wasn't a fan of the dream. "To put it mildly." The thing is, ever since my roommate told me about the eclipse I can't sleep. Toss and turn all night. I keep worrying about the sun "shutting off" in the middle of the day next … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Are Leprechauns Real?”
Hello. It's Belinda. "Top of the Morning" to you. It's St. Patrick's Day. Are you doing anything special to celebrate? Let me know in the comments. Especially if it involves food. As for me, I'm catching up on sleep. Which is what I've been doing all week. Ever since my roommate set the clocks an hour ahead last Sunday I've been … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Eclipse Saving Time”
Hello. It's Belinda. I have a message for the people in charge of the clocks. "I told you so." Every six months you tell all the humans to switch the hours "ahead" and "back." And every six months I write about it in my blog. I talk about all the ways Daylight Saving Time is nonsense. First of all, you … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “A Rabbit Office”
Hello. It's Belinda. Today's blog is a quick one. I hope you don't mind. I'm putting in "overtime" getting ready for next week. If you don't know what's happening next Sunday I don't even want to type the words. So here's a drawing about it. And here's a weird photo. Last but not least, a clue from Pink Floyd. I'm sorry. I'm … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Blog Changes”
Hello. It's Belinda. You may have noticed a big change to Abigail’s blog this week. For one thing it has a new name. "Abigail's House of Buns." It also has a new masthead with all of Abigail's rabbit family on it. Merlot, Enzo, Bentley, Mocha and Hobo. Abigail's on it too.I sure do miss our weekly meetings. We were supposed to … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “New Drawings”
Hello. It's Belinda. Did you have a chance to try the Strawberry Rose Healthy Snackers yet? I don't mean to nag but they're a "limited supply item." Order soon or you might have to wait until next year. I hope you saw Wednesday's blog from the "House of Buns." Abigail's dad included a special message. You can read it here. Speaking of … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Valen-times Day”
Hello. It's Belinda. I want to thank everyone for all the nice messages and emails during the past few weeks. I appreciate everyone checking on me. If you missed the latest update about Abigail's dad, you can read it here. We're taking it a day at a time. I'm eating nonstop from my stash if you want to … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Your Memories”
Hello. It's Belinda. How are you doing? I'm doing OK. But I'm not ready to do much work to be honest. The boss says I can take all the time off I need. So for this blog, I got some help. I'm writing about Abigail's celebration of life, which we held on Wednesday. I hope you had a chance … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Abigail”
Hello. It's Belinda. I don’t even know how to write this. I keep stopping. You probably already heard the terrible news. Abigail, the Small Pet Select novelist, has been very sick. She even had to stay at the vet hospital. When she came home, her dad cared for her around the clock. She fought very hard. But she was too … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Treats, Snacks & Hay”
Hello. It's Belinda. It's about three degrees outside. That’s according to my roommate. She hasn't left the house all week. Says it's "too cold to drive." The thing is, her car has a heater. I've gone for rides in the winter. It’s fine. She clears off the snow and gets things nice and “toasty” before she brings me … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Home Care”
Hello. It's Belinda. First things first. I hope you are doing OK in this weather. I saw on TV that it's extra cold and windy all over the country. Same here in Pittsburgh. "Too cold" in my opinion. My roommate even put some food out for the birds this morning. Seeds and fruit and such. Which was nice … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Am I a Rabbit?”
Hello. It's Belinda. Don't tell anyone but I'm writing this a few days after Christmas. Not sure if it's Tuesday or Wednesday. Could be Friday for all I know. The reason I don't want anyone to know is I'm supposed to be "on vacation." My roommate said spokesrabbits need time off just like everyone else. Well I'm not like … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “2023 Review”
Hello. It's Belinda. I'm writing this blog in advance. "Way in advance." My roommate is forcing me to take time off for the holidays. Not my idea. I'd rather work on my big plans for 2024. I think you're going to like them. "Stay tuned." For this special Dec. 31 blog I thought it would be fun to look … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “A Homemade Christmas Card”
Signed,Belinda, Little Fang & and Roommate and the English_____________________________________________________________________________________Would you like to read more of Belinda's weekly blogs? See them all HERE.

Belinda Says Hay: “The English Tries to Ruin Christmas”
Hello. It's Belinda. Did you get your holiday shopping done yet? If you need some great last-minute ideas for treats, toys and stocking stuffers, be sure to check out the Countdown to Christmas deals. Get up to 20% off the regular price. There's something for everyone on your list. I finally decided what to get Abigail. Since I don’t have … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Your Gift Ideas”
Hello. It's Belinda. Two weeks until the big day. It's so exciting. I can't wait to open my treats. I mean gifts. Speaking of chewing off wrapping paper. Have you found anything for your favorite "hay fans" in our Countdown to Christmas? I hope you check out the emails. Every day you get a new special deal. Up to … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “What Do You Want from Santa?”
Hello. It's Belinda. Have your seen our big "promo" for the holiday? It's called Countdown to Christmas. Every day you get a new special deal. Up to 20% off the regular price. The Countdown to Christmas kicked off on December 1 with the honeysuckle and hay candy cane. Which is a fun chew toy "twist" of honeysuckle vine, orchard … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “A Rabbit’s Gratitude List”
Hello. It's Belinda. Are you having a good Thanksgiving weekend? I hope you have some time to relax. Be sure to check out our Black Friday Cyber Monday deals. Save big on favorites like Healthy Snackers, gourmet hay, pea flakes and rose bedding. And more. If you see Santa, tell him about the sale. It’s a great time to "stock … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “An App for Abigail”
Hello. It's Belinda. You probably know this by now but Abigail broke her leg. I've been worried sick about her. Technically I'm her boss, so I'm supposed to tell her to take time off to rest. She's still working away on her typewriter though. Don't ask me how. You can read an update about her poor leg in this … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Abigail Broke Her Leg”
Hello. It's Belinda. How are you doing with the clocks being behind an hour? Or maybe you're ahead an hour. It all depends on where you live. I'm a bit "foggy" if you want to know the truth. Anyway, I want to thank everyone for the nice comments about last week's blog. Especially about my drawing of Daylight Saving … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Time Is Not Real”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope the title of this blog didn't shock you. If you've been reading my blogs for a while, you know I'm not a fan of Daylight Saving Time. I just can't figure it out. I'm not ashamed to admit it. In fact every time they mess with the clocks, I write about it in my … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Treat or Trick”
Hello. It's Belinda. Boo! Just kidding. It's almost Halloween. It's fun to pull a few "pranks." That's the whole point of the holiday in my opinion. Hand out some treats or you might be the target of a little mischief. Little Fang and I get a kick out of the whole thing. In fact we even co-wrote a Halloween poem … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “A Secret Drawing”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope you're in the mood for a little fun today. Because I am. Things are going to "heat up" at work soon enough with the holidays. I want to goof off while I can. So last week I told you about how I hid from the petsitter. She looked high and low. Couldn't find me … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “I Scared the Petsitter”
Hello. It's Belinda. Did you go to Midwest BunFest last weekend? I mean the big rabbit festival in Columbus Ohio. If you did, let me know what you thought. Especially if you saw any good treats or toys. Write all about it in the comments. Or use belinda@smallpetselect.com. Midwest BunFest is organized by the Ohio House Rabbit Rescue. They take over … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “I Don’t Need Any Help”
Hello. It's Belinda. By the time you are reading this Midwest BunFest has come and gone. Which must be nice. Some don’t get to "go and come back."Speaking of going somewhere my ROOMMATE roommate is leaving today. Not sure where she's headed but she's done nothing but run up and down the steps all morning. Come … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Travel Tips”
Hello. It's Belinda. This is just a quick blog today. I know I always say that but this time it's true. The thing is, I'm in a bit of a "time crunch." I'm packing for a trip. You might be wondering where I'm going and the truth is I don't know. I just think it's good to have a "go … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “I Broke My Blog”
Hello. It's Belinda. Well. I guess it’s all over the Internet. I’m talking about last week’s disaster. Meaning my blog. And it's a real shame too. Because I was so excited to show everyone the photos I took of the new Apple Pea Flake Healthy Snackers. By the way. Some of you who live in the UK asked me when … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Exciting Snacker News”
Hello. It's Belinda. I have two pieces of exciting news. The first one is exciting for everyone. We have a new Healthy Snacker flavor. That's right. "Apple Pea Flake." Check it out here. The second piece of news is exciting for me. I took photos for today's blog. "Advertising photos." I've never had the chance to do this before. But yesterday my roommate dropped her … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Midwest BunFest Is Oct. 7”
Hello. It's Belinda. Last week was my sixth year on the job as your spokesrabbit. It was also Labor Day here in the US. I decided to celebrate both by writing about all the "rabbit workers" who pitch in when we need a little help. I gave a shout out to those of you who help at rescues and … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Labor Day Blog”
Hello. It's Belinda. This is a quick blog today. I know I say that every week but this time it's true. First things first. Did you see our Labor Day specials? Get 10% off treats, supplies, hideaway habitat tunnels and more. Take a look. Let your rabbit see it too. It's fun to shop with a friend. OK here's why … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “This Is the Real Blog”
Hello. It's Belinda. Thank you for clicking on today's blog. I wouldn't blame you if you "scrolled on by." After what happened last week. I apologize to everyone who saw those photos. And also to those who saw my blog two weeks ago. Which was also a mess. OK moving on. The good news is we're back on track today … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Photo Evidence”
Hello. It's Belinda. Here we go again. Last week my blog was supposed to be "part three" of my series about why rabbits lick. But that didn't go as planned. Mostly because my roommate was sick. She was making sea monster noises and sleeping on the couch all day. I thought I'd get caught up this week but the joke's on … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Rabbit Licking Blog 3 of 3”
Hello. It's Belinda. I'm a wreck. First of all the title of this blog is wrong. I've never had this happen to me. I don't know how to change it to the real title. My roommate usually takes care of these things but something's "going on" with her. It all started yesterday morning. Breakfast was so late I went … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Why Rabbits Lick, Part 2”
Hello. It's Belinda. Last week I asked you to help me write my blog about a certain "mystery." That mystery is "Why do rabbits lick?" My friend Julie K started the whole thing with a comment on the company Facebook page. Her friend Poppy licks her hand at bedtime and she asked me what it means. I have no … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Why Do Rabbits Lick?”
Hello. It's Belinda. This is a quick blog today. The last few have gone "over the word limit." Or so I hear. I don't count words. I didn't know I was supposed to. Anyway, this blog will be shorter than usual because I need your help. Then I'll have a "part two" next week. The topic is "Why do rabbits … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Blueberries”
Hello. It's Belinda.I'm sorry if today's blog is a disaster. You'll see why in a minute.But first I want to thank everybody for all the nice comments and emails you sent after last week's blog. I mean the one I wrote about "you know who." And how he offered to help me with my job. Because "writing blogs … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “3 Days with the English”
Hello. It's Belinda. As I mentioned last week, my roommate took me, Little Fang and the English to a house in the woods for a little "vacation." Three days by a lake in the middle of nowhere. We arrived in the afternoon and the first day was peaceful. I think the three of us were just getting used … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Drama at the Cabin”
Hello. It's Belinda. Did you see the new Small Pet Select app? You're going to like it a lot. The Tech Team has really "knocked it out of the park" this time. To get the app, just scan this QR code:Then use the app to shop for all of your favorite snacks. Get something new if you're in the … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “We’re in the Woods”
Hello. It's Belinda. If you like special holiday "promos" I have good news. We have A+ specials for the 4th of July. Three bundles to celebrate the red, white and blue. Be sure to check out the blue bundle. If I had money I'd buy ten of them. I'd stock up on the other bundles too. Mostly for the summer … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Rules for Visiting Rabbits”
Hello. It's Belinda. Did you see Abigail's novel chapter the other day? It's called "rabbit rule book." She wrote about her human, "Dad," and her rabbit roommate Bentley. What they think about the rules rabbits are supposed to follow in the house. It got me thinking. Especially after what happened here recently. I'm talking about the English behaving poorly. Which … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Slumber Party, Part 2”
Hello. It's Belinda. Last week I told you about a situation going on here at home. Actually the situation was happening down here. On the bottom level. Which is "supposed" to belong to Little Fang and me. The air was smoky outside and I guess my roommate worried it would come indoors. So she set up an air purifier … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Uninvited Guest”
Hello. It's Belinda. Is the air where you live OK? I'm writing this on Friday. My roommate says the air outside is smoky. She says it's not just Pittsburgh. A lot of places in the US and Canada have smoky air. Yesterday morning, I could hear her coughing while she worked at the dining room table. That's … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Summer Saving Time”
Hello. It's Belinda. Did you have any time off last weekend? I mean for the US holiday. Memorial Day weekend. I hope you had time to relax. It's good for the mind if you know what I mean. I also hope you had time to read last week's blog. It's called "More Snackers." I'm not allowed to say … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”More Snackers”
Hello. It's Belinda. If you're in the US and reading this on Sunday, you might be off work. For the long holiday weekend. If so, I hope you get to do some of your favorite holiday activities. Sneak in a nap if you can. As for me, I'm writing this blog extra early. That's because my roommate is … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”A Blog About Snackers”
Hello. It's Belinda. I want to thank everyone for your feedback last week. In case you missed it, I wrote a blog for Mother's Day. We don't celebrate it here at home. But Little Fang and I wanted to celebrate "Roommate's Day." We made that up. It's not an "official" holiday. Seemed like a good day to do something … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Happy Roommate’s Day”
Hello. It's Belinda. First things first. Happy Mother's Day to everyone who celebrates. I hope you get your favorite treat. Also a nap. And then another treat. "It's your day." As for my mom, I don't know what she's up to these days. I haven't seen her since I left New Zealand. The funny thing is I can't remember much about … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: ”Abigail’s Big Anniversary”
Hello. It's Belinda. You're probably wondering how I can even work right now. After my big Earth Day birthday party last week. I'll let you in on a little secret. I slept for three days. I want to thank everyone who attended, either by sending a photo or just by reading my blog. It was so much fun. Some of … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Fun Party Photo Blog”
Hello. It's Belinda. Welcome to my Earth Day birthday celebration. I'm so glad you're here. An extra big "thank you" to everyone joining today through photos. I can't believe how many of you took the time to email photos to me. Some show you celebrating a birthday or Earth Day. Others are "pics" of you enjoying a regular day. Every … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Happy Earth Day Birthday”
Hello. It's Belinda. It's taking me forever to write this blog. I keep running to the front door.Thought I heard the delivery truck. "False alarm." It's not my fault. My birthday is tomorrow. Saturday, April 22. Josh always sends me some goodies from the warehouse. Not that I expect anything but you never know. Tomorrow is also Earth Day. That's right. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Abigail’s Home”
Hello. It's Belinda. Today's blog is a little shorter than usual. I hope that's OK. I goofed off a lot this week. Still am. I can't help it. I'm in such a good mood. Abigail's back home. That's right. After two long weeks, Abigail finished treatment for the lump in her chest. Her doctor even gave her a graduation certificate. "The … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Easter Candy”
Hello. It's Belinda. Happy Easter to all my friends who celebrate. I hope you get some goodies. Speaking of snacks. Did you hear about our Easter weekend hay sale? Get 15% off third cutting Timothy hay. I love it. A nice "afternoon hay" in my opinion.Do you see the two rabbits and guinea pig on the box? I wish … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “April Foolishness”
Hello. It's Belinda. If you saw Abigail's blog on Wednesday you already know what happened. Abigail has a lump. She has to stay in the hospital for two weeks. You can read all the details in her blog. I didn't read it. My roommate won't let me. Of course I didn't need to. Abigail already told me what I needed … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Lazy Hay Blog”
Hello. It's Belinda. It's Friday and I'm pooped. That's not a bad word. It means tired. The past month or so has been "a lot" if you know what I mean. First Little Fang and I thought we were living with a vampire. Had to get that all sorted out. Then I find out one of my blogs was stolen and … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “The Parade”
Hello. It's Belinda. "Top of the morning to you." That's an Irish saying. My roommate's been saying it all week. If that were the only "malarky" out of her I wouldn't mind. More about that in a minute. First I need to tell you some good news. There's still time to stock up on St. Patrick's Day treats. Such as our … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Wayback Machine”
Hello. It's Belinda. Some people think I write these blogs off the top of my head. But that's not how it works. First thing I do is pick a topic. Which can take a day or two. Then I start my research. And once I go down that "rabbit hole" forget it. I lose another few days. By the … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Catching Up”
Hello. It's Belinda. It's March already. Which doesn't seem possible in my opinion. Right after New Year's I made a "to-do" list for work. That feels like a week ago. My list had 15 items on it. I marked the first 14 as "top priority." So far I've checked off two items. The first one is I fixed the comments. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “An Inspiring Story”
Hello. It's Belinda. I want to thank everyone for your kindness during the past week. Losing my friend Jester the Giant Bunny has been a terrible shock. I know his roommate Lyn appreciates all of your nice messages too. If you want to look at some photos of Jester or reach out to Lyn, visit the JesterTheBunny Facebook page. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Sad News About Jester”
Hello. It's Belinda. I don't even know how to write this. I am so upset. The original plan for this blog was that I would write about my surprise giveaway. I'm giving four lucky winners a box of sampler hay. You can get details and enter here. To be honest I feel funny writing about hay. This whole blog … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Vampire Update”
Hello. It's Belinda. Well I feel silly. Two weeks ago, I wrote about my roommate's odd behavior. Lying on the couch all night. Lights off. Reading her phone. Next thing you know she's coming and going at all hours. Of course Little Fang had to complicate things. Deciding there was only one explanation. Our roommate is a vampire. Little Fang started to … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “A Vampire in the House”
Hello. It's Belinda. You might think this is a Halloween blog. From the title. I do have some fun holiday news but it's not about pumpkins and bats. More like hearts and flowers. That's right. The Valentine's Day goodies have landed. With everything you need to make the day extra-special for your "honey." Start the day with a post-breakfast … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “My Roommate’s in a Mood”
Hello. It's Belinda. This blog will be a quick one. You'll know why in a minute. Last week I wrote about the surprise gift I received from Abigail, the novelist. You can read Abigail's stories here. She writes about her life in California. There's always something interesting going on at her house. Anyway in my blog I mentioned that my … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Abigail’s Surprise Gift”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope 2023 is going well for you so far. Today another new year begins. That's right. The "Year of the Rabbit" starts right now. The whole team at Small Pet Select has been planning special promotions to celebrate. Watch for them all year long. I'm working on some extra-special "campaigns" of my own. I think you … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Car Safety for Rabbits”
Hello. It's Belinda. In last week's blog, I said I was going to write about Abigail this week. Meaning about her surprise gift. But I had to "move the schedule around." I hope you don't mind. The thing is, I'm worried sick about all the bad weather on the west coast. It's "raining cats and dogs" where Abigail lives. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Weather”
Hello. It's Belinda. It all started a few days before Christmas. I was sleeping on my rug beside the furnace. "Soundly." Next thing you know I hear thumping. BAM I opened my eyes. The room was dark except for a slight glow from the window above the dryer. BAM Then I heard another sound. Like tiny claws tapping the window. BAM The thumping … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Your 2023 Resolutions”
Hello. It's Belinda. If you're reading this on Sunday I have only one thing to say. "Happy New Year." Just kidding. I have more to say but that's the most important part. I'm writing this in advance so I can take time off for the holidays. Not my idea but my roommate "put her foot down." When your roommate thumps … Continue Reading

“Jingle Bells” by Belinda
A Christmas Morning Song for You Harvesting the rows, On a tractor not a sleigh, Over the fields I go, Snacking all the way! Bells on smartphones ring. The farmer’s on the line. “Belinda, where’s my tractor?” I ignore him. And that’s fine. Oh! Fling those bales Sling those bales Fling those bales of hay! Oh what fun It is to "write My hay reports" this way-ay! Alfalfa, orchard and three cuts … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Rabbits and Guinea Pigs: What’s Your Resolution?”
Hello. It's Belinda. I hope your holiday season is fun so far. There are presents under the tree upstairs but I don't dare go into that room. I learned my lesson the hard way. And speaking of being in trouble. I owe some of you a big apology. Because I broke the comment box. The Tech Team is helping … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Portrait App”
Hello. It's Belinda. Christmas is two weeks from today. I hope you and Santa have a good "game plan." If you know what I mean. There's still time to check out our holiday special bundles and treats. But order ASAP. The delivery drivers need all the help they can get. Speaking of needing help to get work done. … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Holiday Tech”
TO ABIGAIL'S DAD: READ THE FAKE BLOG ONLY. DON'T TELL ABIGAIL. Here's the fake blog: Hello. It's Belinda. Whew! That's me taking a breather. My work "to-do" list is a mile long. Because of the holidays. I have to do my part to get all the seasonal goodies out to everyone. Speaking of goodies. Did you see our Holiday Box of … Continue Reading

Belinda Says Hay: “Abigail Update”
Hello. It's Belinda. It's Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend. Be sure to check out all the deals. Special savings on hay and bedding. "Tell Santa." If you want to try something new, this is a good time to build up your stash. My roommate mixes two or three hays into one heap for us. I like picking through it. Speaking … Continue Reading