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Belinda Says Hay: “2023 Review”

Belinda the spokesrabbit blog: 2023 Review

Hello. It's Belinda.

I'm writing this blog in advance. "Way in advance."

My roommate is forcing me to take time off for the holidays. Not my idea.

I'd rather work on my big plans for 2024. I think you're going to like them. "Stay tuned." 

For this special Dec. 31 blog I thought it would be fun to look at what I wrote a year ago.

Turns out a lot of you sent me your New Year's resolutions last December. So I put a few from my friends Pepper, Oliver Sacks, Lulu M, Daisy and Clover in my blog. 

You can read what they wrote here. 

My resolution for 2023 won't surprise anyone. I wanted to “do better” with computer apps and gizmos.

It's the hardest part of my job if you want to know the truth. Rabbits aren't really "wired" for computers and such.

On that note, my roommate is insisting I include a certain blog here.  Not sure why since it’s just photos of “tech.”

The blog is titled "Photo Evidence." 

She's always asking me if I need help researching software and apps. When she "nags" too much I remind her that I don’t need any help.

But if I did I would ask for help with Daylight Saving Time. I would ask her and all the other humans to leave the clocks alone.

This year was a doozy in that department.

It started back in March with "springing forward." That's when I got the shock of my life. One of my old blogs was missing.

Nothing much changed by the time we changed the clocks "back" in November. The shifting back and forth was so confusing I gave up. I couldn't even describe it.

So I drew a picture of time.  

Anyway, back to making resolutions. 

You might wonder if anyone else here at home takes time to "reflect." Or try to be better in a new year. 

I can answer that for the English. The answer is "no."

He was as bad as ever in 2023 in my opinion.

For example, when my roommate packed us up and took us on vacation over the Fourth of July.

If you missed the story the first time, here's what happens when you try to have a nice time with the English. It took me three blogs to get it all out.   

"We're in the Woods."

"Drama at the Cabin."

"3 Days with the English."

Enough about him. I'd rather end this blog talking about someone who is the exact opposite of you-know-who.

And that's my friend Abigail.

She's my employee but more than that she's my friend.

Abigail overcame some big health issues this year. "She's little but she's mighty" according to my roommate. I have to agree with her on that.

Anyway, I tried to find a good "productivity app" for Abigail and once again things went haywire.

You can see the photos here.

So for 2024 I think I'm going to continue my resolution for 2023. Meaning search for good "rabbit-friendly" tech to help me do my job better.

If you know any, please send me the info. You never know.

In the meantime, I hope you have an extra-happy 2024. 

"Have a treat. Then have another treat."

That's a good goal for everyone.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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