Hello. It's Belinda.
Did you see the new Small Pet Select app?
You're going to like it a lot.
The Tech Team has really "knocked it out of the park" this time.
To get the app, just scan this QR code:

Then use the app to shop for all of your favorite snacks. Get something new if you're in the mood.
Check out with $40 or more and you can select a free Healthy Snacker in your cart.
Makes me wish I had the app if you want to know the truth. I could always use more snackers.
Of course the team won't let me download it. All because of what happened about six months ago. You might remember the whole "fiasco."
I was trying to find a good productivity app. Some kind of software with "AI." Also known as artificial intelligence.
I downloaded something off the web and it asked me for a "selfie."
Next thing I know it turned my photo into this.

That didn't help me to get my work done faster.
All the app did was add hairdos to my photos.
OK enough about "tech." I want to tell you what happened during my holiday trip to the woods.
In last week's blog, I wrote that my roommate was taking us to a cabin for the Fourth of July. To get us away from all the neighborhood fireworks.
Turns out it wasn't a cabin. It was a house with two floors. Lots of windows too.
The house is on a hill above some sort of lake. We had to ride up a long bumpy driveway to get there.
I don't like to bounce around in the car by the way.
My roommate set us up in three big exercise pens in the main area of the house. She slept upstairs.
That's right. Little Fang and I and the English had to spend three long days together. I'll write about all that next week. It's a doozy.
So we arrived in the afternoon and everything was peaceful until just after dinner.
My roommate was lying on the couch, reading a book. I was relaxing in my pen.
Suddenly it sounded like a meteor hit the house.
Then a bunch of crackling noises.
I jumped to my feet. So did Little Fang and the English.
"Oh no you don't," said my roommate. She sat up.
Then again.
Followed by crackles.
"That's it," said my roommate.
She stood and turned to look at me.
"Hold down the fort, Belinda. I'll be right back."
The three of us watched her walk out the front door. We didn't say a word.
By the way her arms were moving I could tell my roommate was angry. "Extra angry."
After about ten minutes the front door opened.
My roommate walked in and headed straight to the refrigerator. I could hear ice cubes.
When she settled back onto the couch, a glass in one hand and her book in the other, she smiled at us and raised her eyebrows. She looked a bit smug if you know what I mean.
"Well now. Where were we?"
Then she looked down at her book and ignored us for so long I nodded off.
And just before I fell asleep, I heard a boom ... but it sounded far away.
As if it were afraid to disturb us, and our peaceful house in the woods.
To be honest, it was less of a boom and more of an echo.
The way thunder sounds over a lake.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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