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Belinda Says Hay: “A Rabbit’s Gratitude List”

Belinda the spokesrabbit blog: A Rabbit's Gratitude List

Hello. It's Belinda.

Are you having a good Thanksgiving weekend? I hope you have some time to relax.

Be sure to check out our Black Friday Cyber Monday deals.

Save big on favorites like Healthy Snackers, gourmet hay, pea flakes and rose bedding. 

And more.

If you see Santa, tell him about the sale. It’s a great time to "stock up on stuffers." Meaning for stockings.

Next up is an update on Abigail and her broken leg

Did you see the latest chapter of her novel? Turns out Abigail's roommate, who she calls "Dad," took her to the same vet hospital that treated her thymoma. It's called "University of California Davis." 

The vet there said Abigail needs to stay on "pen rest" until her leg heals. The vet also did a follow-up exam for the thymoma.  

You can read all the good news here. 

Now back to my Thanksgiving topic.

This year I decided to do something a little different.

I saw online that some people like to do "gratitude journals" in November.  Every day you write one thing that makes you feel grateful. 

Seemed like fun. Also easy.

So I started mine on Wednesday, November 1.  

"I’m grateful for hay. Timothy, alfalfa, orchard, oat. It's all tasty and relaxing to chew. Plus it's in the name of my blog."

Thursday, November 2.

"I'm grateful for loops, snackers and herbal mixes. Any treats really."

My gratitude list was off to a good start. 

Friday, November 3.

"I'm grateful for Little Fang and Abigail. One here on the bottom level and one across the country. But they are both my besties."

Notice I didn't mention The English.

Saturday, November 4.

"I'm grateful for my roommate. She’s loud at times but it's not her fault."

Day 5 is when everything hit the hill.

That's because Sunday, November 5, was Daylight Saving Time.

It either started or ended on that day. All the humans set the clocks forward or backward.

All I know is my sleep and my breakfast and dinner times went "haywire."

I was in a fog for a week. Maybe longer.

And while that was going on, I forgot all about my gratitude journal. Then the days "flew past" and suddenly it’s Thanksgiving week. 

I'm scheduled to write a blog about my gratitude list and I haven’t touched it since November 5.

So here's my solution.

Let's "set the clock back" to a minute ago. Back to when you were reading about Abigail at the beginning of this blog. 

Specifically, the good news from the vet. 

Pretend that's on every page of my journal after November 5.

Because good news from the vet is enough to fill a whole gratitude journal in my opinion.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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