Hello. It's Belinda.
First things first. Happy Father's Day to everyone who celebrates.
I asked Enzo to pass along my best wishes to his roommate. I call him “Abigail’s dad.”
I hope he gets a special surprise today. Over there at the "House of Buns."
That goes for any dads reading my blog today. Enjoy your favorite snack today. Sneak in a nap if you can.
Speaking of snack.
My roommate and I are still figuring out how to co-write this blog with four paws and one arm.
We're trying to figure out a lot of things to tell you the truth. "Safety issues."
Usually she's up and down the steps every 15 minutes, but not these days. She's mostly staying on the couch. Trying to be careful.
It puts her into a mood. Rabbits know what I'm talking about. Humans like a routine.
Anyway, I got a piece of advice from my friend Kelly that I want to share. Many of you had similar feedback for me when I told them my roommate was gloomy.
Here's what Kelly said:
I love your drawing, Belinda! I’m sorry your roommate has a frowny mouth. That will certainly change soon as she is feeling better, which I hope will be soon.
Maybe if you gave her some Meadow Loops and Healthy Snackers it would make her feel a bit better. She is lucky to have you looking out for her.
Jut in case you've never seen a Meadow Loop, it looks like this.

Or maybe that's a Country or Woodland Loop.
My eyesight isn't good up close.
Healthy Snackers look like this:
That's apple flavor. There's also pear blueberry, pumpkin, banana and more.
You can check out all the loops and snackers here.
As you can see, all of these treats look very crunchy and tasty. The type anyone would like, especially if they broke their arm.
I decided to take a loop to my roommate first. I waited until .....
This is Belinda again.
I wrote the rest of the story which took a very long time by the way.
Unfortunately my roommate does not want me to include it in my blog. She says it makes her look "fussy" and "ungrateful." Not true in my opinion.
One thing I know is this is not professional. You can't just stop your blog halfway through. Come on.
I've never had this happen before. I might have to ask Enzo for advice.
In the meantime, I hope you have a good week.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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