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Belinda Says Hay: “$1,000 Giveaway”

$1000 Giveaway from Belinda and Small Pet Select

Hello. It's Belinda.

I have an important update about my big five-year anniversary giveaway. 

But first things first.

I want to thank everyone who has entered themselves and their favorite rescues.   

Plus everyone who shared my blog with their friends. "The more the merrier" in my opinion.

The whole thing is off to a great start which means I can stop worrying. 

I promised the boss if he let me do this giveaway everyone would love it. I've been working on the details for months. 

I just thought of something.

You might have missed my blog last week. You might not know what I'm talking about.

All I can say is "hold on to your hat."

Because I'm giving away $1000 in Small Pet Select goodies to four lucky winners.

Two individuals. Two rescues.

One pair of winners in the USA and one pair in the UK.

That's $1000 each to spend on anything on our website.

Hay, snackers, loops. Toys. Chews. Bedding.

"Whatever suits your fancy."

It's all part of my five-year anniversary celebration. 

Actually it's the only thing I'm doing to celebrate. I can handle only so much "partying" if you know what I mean. 

OK I mentioned I have an update.

The entry form asks for your name, email and phone number.

Then it asks for info about your favorite rescue.

Name, website, email, and phone number.

But what if your favorite rescue does not have a phone number?

Then just list your own phone number in that spot. 

We will need a phone number for all winners. The team tells me it has something to do with shipping and deliveries.

I'm sorry if that caused any confusion. I tried to think of everything ahead of time but I don't understand phones. 

Which just "goes to show you."

Even after five years and two weeks on the job, I'm still learning.

I hope you have a good week. 



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

Would you like to read more of Belinda's weekly blogs?  See them all HERE.

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