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Belinda Says Hay: “April Birthdays”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog: "April Birthdays"

Hello. It's Belinda.

This is a short blog today. I hope you don't mind.

The thing is, I'm writing this on Friday. April Fool's day.

I've been hiding all day from "you know who."

I'm not up for pranks or mischief today.  Or tricks or tomfoolery.

"I'm no fool." 

Just kidding. I can be a good sport.

But I have a lot of work to get done. I need to concentrate.

One of my projects is for my birthday. It's on April 22. 

That's just a guess, since I don't have my childhood papers from New Zealand. But I like to celebrate it on Earth Day.

And it turns out April is a big month for birthdays around here. My roommate's "big day" is coming up too. She has her papers so she knows the exact date. I'm not allowed to talk about that in my blog.

Last but not least, Abigail's birthday was a few days ago. Not "technically" in April. But close enough in RST (Rabbit Standard Time).

Her dad really went all out. He made one of his famous "foraging balls" with fresh willow branches and other ingredients. You can read about it here.

You can also see a silly photo of Abigail. She stuck her entire head inside the foraging ball. Speaking of tomfoolery. 

Anyway back to my birthday. I'm supposed to come up with a plan.

My roommate asked me for some ideas for gifts. She said I can have whatever I want. "Within reason."

I don't know what that means.

If any of you have examples of "reasonable" gifts for rabbits, please leave a comment below. 

Or send an email to me at

I don't expect you to do my work for me. I'm just stumped.

Thanks for reading my blog. I hope you have a good week.

"Take a nap."

Sincerely, Belinda

Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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