Hello. It’s Belinda.
I need to say something “right off the bat.” My weight is fine.
When I went to the vet last month, he tried to “pinch an inch.” But he couldn’t.
He said I’m just right.

Which is good news because I like to eat. I’m pretty sure that’s why I got this spokesrabbit "gig."
And I’m not the only one. If you know what I mean.
I’m sorry to discuss private household matters but my roommate eats “non-stop” these days. Ever since she stopped leaving the house.
I noticed it about six weeks ago. I would be half-napping on the bottom level. Or working on a hay report.
Suddenly I hear the refrigerator door open. So I run upstairs to catch her attention before she walks away and the door swings shut.
But once I hit the top step I see something odd. My roommate leaning her arm on the open door. Staring inside.
“I don’t know what I want, Belinda.”
Well I don't have that problem. I want romaine, parsley, endive, dandelion. When I hear the refrigerator that’s where my mind goes.
Here’s the tricky part. Sometimes she gives me a “mini-salad.” A few leaves of this or that.
But more and more I don’t get anything. She tells me to wait until mealtime.
“You’re eating too much these days, Belinda. You’re getting a double chin.”
How do you like that.
First of all it’s called a dewlap.
Secondly I don’t know if she’s kidding but there is nothing funny about any of this. Especially all of the distractions.
If you make me run upstairs 14 times a day I expect something from the “crisper” drawer.
So take this daily “kitchen drama” and add it to what happened on my birthday and it all makes sense.
I’m talking about a decision I made. To buy a few items for myself on the company website.
Rabbits are impatient. That goes double for spokesrabbits.
When I think Josh from the warehouse will send me birthday treats and all morning I don’t hear the box on the porch, I get into a mood. Not my fault.
Same goes for watching my roommate stare into the refrigerator. Come on.
That's all I can say about it. "Wish me luck."
The next few weeks should be interesting. Which will make me want to eat more than ever.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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