Hello. It's Belinda.
I'm nervous about this post. "To put it mildly."
I bit off more than I can chew with this two-part Valentine's Day blog about my boyfriend.
Last week was part one. I did a special question and answer for the #valentinesdaychallenge2021.
Turns out part two is a lot harder.
That's because, about a month ago, my friends Daisy, Comet and Squeakers asked what my boyfriend looked like.
I don't know what got into me. I truly don't.
But I said I would draw a portrait.
Well it's hard to draw from memory.
Plus it takes me forever to draw. I want everything "just right." I can't help it.
Also I'm far-sighted.
There's also the issue of my boyfriend's ears. He had "helicopter ears." They went every which way. Hard to get the angles right.
So I started by drawing his ears. After five minutes I wanted to quit.
The problem is my discussion with Daisy, Comet and Squeakers was on the company Facebook page. So everyone saw it. No way I could back out.
And the more I worked on it the more I nodded off. My memories blurred with my dreams.
Did you ever try to remember a color but it kept changing?
One minute you think the light is hitting it through the window. Then it seems to be running past you, out of the darkness from behind the dryer and into the light from the ceiling bulb.
I couldn't find the right brush for that color. The color of my boyfriend's fur.
It was so soft. It felt like the heat vent blowing on you but not too hot. Just right.
You can't paint fur like that.
The only way to see those colors is to close your eyes and imagine your boyfriend is standing right in front of you.

Even if he didn't like my portrait, he would say "good job."
That's what I really want you to know about him.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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