Hello. It’s Belinda.
The English pulled a fast one this week and this time he went too far.
Because not only am I dealing with personal issues but his behavior affected me at work and I even had to schedule an all-company meeting.
It all started when I found this in the Cutest Tail contest:

I recognized that tail immediately, and there is nothing “cute” about it.
That’s the English, sneaking into the contest just like he sneaks around corners and under Christmas trees and anywhere else he can squeeze himself.
If I’m not allowed to enter my photo, neither is he. Contests are not for anyone who works at the company “or their family members.” And that means everyone in the household, even if they don’t get along.
That is why I asked my agent to get everyone on the phone for an emergency meeting, to figure out our strategy for disqualifying the English. Get on the same page in case he goes to the media.
This whole thing was very embarrassing. Because it’s bringing my problems to work and I’d rather keep it all separate. And that’s very hard these days because my boyfriend’s lump is coming back.
That was hard to type.
My boyfriend is not a worrier. He says live for today and that’s why everyone likes him. He’s always in a good mood even though his shoulder keeps growing.
But my roommate is a worrier like me. She said, “This feels like a water balloon. Back to the vet with you, little man.”
Not sure what the vet said but we get extras of everything now. Oat hay, orchard medley, even alfalfa.
And my boyfriend is allowed out of the pen a lot more the past few days. The funny thing is, he doesn’t want to run around much. After one lap he just wants to relax on my rug.
So after I finish this blog, that’s my plan for the night. My boyfriend, a nice chew, and a half-nap on my rug.
And to tell you the truth, after all the drama this week, that’s exactly what I need.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select