Hello. It's Belinda.
This blog is going to be quick. As you can see by the headline I have made a big leap forward. No pun intended.
That's because I am actually "leaping around." Trying to get everything ready for the launch of my top-secret scheme.
It's going to settle this whole "drama" about my ads once and for all. I mean the ads for my timothy-alfalfa combo box. Which the team won't approve.
I know a good hay ad when I write one. Come on.
Anyway I still have a lot to do if I want to pull this off. That's why I'm so jumpy right now.
Yesterday my roommate asked if I have "ants in my pants." Which is not funny.
First of all I don't wear pants. Or any other clothes.
Secondly my scheme is not a joking matter. If this works it could change my entire career.
Speaking of clothes. Did you see the new "I love Abigail" shirt in her blog? You are going to love it.
Her roommate, "Dad," came up with the idea. The shirts are a fundraiser to help bunnies in need.
Abigail even got to model in the ads.

The shirts come in men's and women's versions with long or short sleeves.
To order a shirt or to ask a question, send an email to mauricev10@aol.com.
Tell him I sent you. And that I said hi.
By the way. If you know anyone who might like my blog, next week will be a good one to "forward" or "share" or however you use the gizmo. Because the gift card is not for me.
That's all I can say for now. But if you know a rabbit or guinea pig, ask them to take a look next week.
All animals are welcome, if you want to know the truth. Not just hay lovers.
I am so relieved about this gift card. I can't even believe it.
You might wonder where I got it.
Let's just say there's a "rascal" working at this company.
He didn't read my blogs for a few weeks. So he didn't know I was in a panic.
But he caught up last week. Next thing you know I hear "B'linda, you should have told me you needed some help."
OK that's all for now. No more clues.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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