Hello. It's Belinda.
Greetings from the “annex.”
That’s what the petsitter calls it. The rabbit annex.
Come on. It’s a basement.
On the drive here, my roommate said we would be staying “in the rabbit room.”
Sounded nice. Might be decorated with hay bales. With some sort of tunnels in the floor.
Turned out it’s just an extra-large laundry room with windows. There’s room for two big exercise pens and more.
Little Fang stays in one of the pens. The English is set up next to her.
I get to roam free. I have to because of my job.
But get this. I’m not allowed under the utility sink.
Not so good for my “workflow.“ Rabbits like a routine.
As you can imagine, the English is a little “put out” Because we don’t have all of our usual amenities here.
He's spoiled rotten. I’ve said it before.
Anyway, my project this month is to learn about smells rabbits like and don’t like.
I made the mistake of asking Little Fang for help. I started by asking what her favorite smell was.
“New pee pads.”
She blurted it right out. Didn’t take time to think it over.
New pee pads don’t have a scent in my opinion. But I added it to my notes.
Then I asked what smell she didn’t like.
“Old pee pads.”
Oh brother. I can't put that in my report.
You might already know this, but poor Little Fang has some medical issues.

You can read about Little Fang and her “issues” here.
I thought we were speaking quietly but apparently the English was listening.
He wasn't invited to participate so he invited himself.
“I like the smell of parsley.”
I turned my back. Not interested.
“Also pumpkin. I like pumpkin on a plate.”
I’m sure you do. I said that inside my mind.
I’m sure my roommate serves pumpkin to him on a little saucer.
I kept working.
“Mint too. Add that to your report.”
Spoiler alert. I didn't add it.
He didn’t say anything after that. Not for several minutes.
I could feel him watching the back of my head.
Then he said it.
“The worst smell is your sleeping rug.”
I froze.
Did you ever feel a rabbit’s ears get hot?
My ears felt like socks from the dryer. That’s how mad I was.
First of all my sleeping rug does not have an odor.
Secondly the English is not allowed near my property.
So he shouldn't be "sniffing around" my side of the room in the first place.
I walked upstairs and worked in the petsitter's front hallway for the rest of the day. I tried to not think about what the English said but I couldn't help it.
I’ll tell you what really stinks.
His attitude.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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