Hello. It's Belinda.
I'm in a holiday mood.
How is your shopping going so far? I hope you had time to check out the special deals in our Countdown to Christmas.
Be sure to order ASAP. The deadline for delivery is coming up quick.
Your small roommates are counting on you. They'll be looking under the tree for goodies. I know I will be.
OK back to the holiday mood topic.
I haven't written about Abigail for a long time.
If you are new to my blog, Abigail was the company novelist. She was also my best friend at work.
I think about her every day but even more lately. This is the first holiday season without her. I've been looking at old photos of us.
Every year I would "wrack my brain" trying to come up with a good Christmas gift for her.
One year I came up with my best idea ever. I drew Abigail's portrait.
You never know if someone will want a "homemade" present but Abigail said she loved it.
A month later, she and her roommate, whom she called "Dad," had it enlarged and made into a framed art piece. They mailed it to me. I was shocked.

This is Abigail and me during one of our weekly meetings. I'm on the screen.
Just look at that keyboard with all the fancy lights. Her Dad set that up for her. He was so proud of Abigail.
We were probably talking about food.

Abigail's family lives in California. Their clocks tell "Pacific Standard Time."
I'm in Pittsburgh which is "Eastern Standard Time."
As far as I'm concerned, we had our meetings in "real time." We were both there.
But it was 3 p.m. at my house and 12 noon at her place.
Explain that one.
Anyway she made this clock to help keep me on track. It's two clocks in the same frame. "CA time and PA time."

This photo cracks me up. We look so serious.
"Must be an important business meeting."
Come on.
I remember that day. We did nothing but gossip the entire time.

Another photo showing us hard at work.
More like "hardly working."
I was asleep.
Well that's all the photos I want to show in this blog.
I hope you enjoyed seeing Abigail again.
She was a gift.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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