Hello. It's Belinda.
Is it cold where you live?
It's freezing here. Especially under the utility sink, also known as my office.
My roommate gets mad when I push the front door open. She says I "let all the heat out."
I like to watch her shovel the walk.

Before you know it winter will turn to spring and so forth.
Which brings me to the topic of this blog. "Planning for the year."
I finally finished my spokesrabbit goals for 2022. Sent them to the boss yesterday.
"Now we wait."
I had a hard time coming up with the right goals. That's because this year is a big deal in my opinion.
In September, I'll celebrate five years on the job.
I can't believe it.
This blog is #230. "Give or take."
I still don't have a job description by the way.
And you would think I'd be out of big ideas by now. But I'm just getting started.
Most of my best "pitches" never make it past the team. Like the names I came up with for a new herbal mix. Or my designs for a hay house.
So for this year I wanted goals that would prove I know what I'm doing.
I thought that maybe I could take an Instagram class.
Or get my office back. And add a door this time.
If those goals wouldn't "fly," I figured at the very least I could get a stack of Small Pet Select gift cards. So I could buy my own hay and snacks to review.
But then I realized something important.
Business goals are not supposed to be a wish list of what I want. I'm not writing to Santa Claus.
I’m a spokesrabbit. I'm supposed to be a “translator" in between the company and rabbits, guinea pigs and everyone else. Plus all roommates.
My job is to help all of you get what you want. So I made goals for that.
I think you are going to like what's coming in 2022.
My fifth year will be my best one yet.
Yours too.
Sincerely, Belinda
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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