Hello. It's Belinda.
In last week's blog, I said I was going to write about Abigail this week.
Meaning about her surprise gift.
But I had to "move the schedule around." I hope you don't mind.
The thing is, I'm worried sick about all the bad weather on the west coast. It's "raining cats and dogs" where Abigail lives. No offense to cats and dogs.
My roommate changes the TV channel sometimes when I walk into the living room. She lets me watch my shows but that's it. Maybe an old-timey movie now and then.
Well she was watching the "weather news" yesterday and I snuck up behind her. I should have kept my nose down but I didn't. I looked at the TV.
They were showing floods and mud sliding down hillsides. The weather lady said something about "evacuating." I could see people putting bags into cars.
Abigail is OK. So is everyone at her house.
But I worry about other rabbits and not just in California. I worry they might have to "hit the road" but not be prepared ahead of time.
So I hope you will do a big favor for me. Read this excellent blog about how to travel safely with rabbits, guinea pigs and other small animals.
It's called "Traveling with Small Pets." Some of my friends from the team wrote it.
After you read the blog, please send it to a friend. Or post it in a Facebook group. Or on other social media pages.
I want the whole world to know what type of carrier is the safest.
And where you should never put the carrier.
And where you should put the carrier. Remember to turn off the air bag for that side of the car.
You'll also learn why covering the top of the carrier helps a rabbit to feel calmer while the world flashes past.

That's just one of the great photos in "Traveling with Small Pets."
I hope you like the blog as much as I do. The team did an A+ job in my opinion.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
I still can't post replies by the way. The Tech Team is working on it. I'm not ignoring your nice messages.
OK enough from me.
Have a good week. "Stay safe."
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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