Hello. It's Belinda.
This is a short blog today. I think you can see why.
Look up above. At my blog "masthead."
That's water damage.
Can you believe it?
There was a leak in the "loo" and water went everywhere.
It went all over my work.
Such as the "congratulations on the new warehouse" card I was making for Josh. For the new distribution center in Arizona.
I saw a photo of it on the company Facebook page and I used a gizmo to copy it.
Look at what happened:

I can't send a card that looks like that. Come on.
This is what happens when you have to work in the restroom. It might be quiet but it's not professional.
That's not the only thing that got ruined.
Look at my drawing. I spent three days on this.

That's supposed to be a box of hay. Now it's just a big smudge.
Nobody wants to look at that. It's a disaster.
I don't know how to find a plumber but I need one. "STAT."
Thanks for understanding. I'm sorry my blog looks like this.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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