Hello. It's Belinda.
I have a personal question. Are you feeling lazy these days?
All I want to do is doze. I can't be the only one.
Even during team meetings. I'm supposed to pay attention.
Good thing I can hold up my ears even when I'm "zonked out."
It comes in handy.

Nothing wrong with a little springtime nap but I have work to do.
I'm supposed to get my birthday "wish list" to my roommate. It's a good thing I asked for help in last week's blog.
My roommate said I can have whatever I want. "Within reason."
I don't know if that means an extra bedtime loop or a trip to New Zealand. She didn't mention her budget. And I didn't ask.
Anyway I needed suggestions and you gave me some A+ ideas in my email and in the blog comments.
My friend Suzann lives with a rabbit roommate named Duth. He turns five on April 12. Happy Birthday to Duth!
Suzann planted carrots and nasturtium indoors under grow lights. Duth will enjoy them on his big day. That's super thoughtful and I'll put it on my "brainstorming" list.
Dr. Fluffy McFluffikins, PhD. told me I should ask for bananas. Which is a "controversial" subject at this house. I don't know why my roommate is anti-banana.
A few years ago, Little Fang had to take medicine. It was supposed to taste like bananas but guess again.
The whole story was so shocking I wrote a blog about it. You can read it here.
Rosalyn had a good idea. She said I should ask for a little forage basket holding favourite greens sprinkled with a favourite treat or two. To me that sounds like a lot of fun. Digging around in a forage basket.
I added it to my list.
My "auntie Heather" said I should ask for a castle to use when I need some "me time." Either that or a new soft cotton rug. I like both ideas to tell you the truth. Not to be greedy.
Auntie Heather and my friend Lona both commented that my roommate should set up an indoor garden. So I could have fresh snacks near my workspace.
I hope my roommate is reading this because if two people say it you know it's reasonable.
Last but not least is this comment from my pal Jacqui:
"Hi Belinda, if you'd like some hay for your birthday, I recently ordered the premium ultra soft Timothy hay for Duffy, and he LOVES it.
He and his brothers Luke and Brady also recommend the Gourmet Hay. All three are addicted to the dried berries...plus it has alfalfa in it! ;-)"
This one "got my wheels turning." I keep picturing Duffy, Luke and Brady feasting on their favorite hay. I might have a big idea brewing. "Stay tuned."
Thanks again to everyone who sent feedback to me. I couldn't list all of them in this blog but I read them. Twice.
If you want to send any more ideas to me just write to belinda@smallpetselect.com
Next Sunday is Easter. If you know someone who is thinking about getting an "Easter bunny" tell them to read my blog. We are bunnies all year long.
Come on.
Sincerely, Belinda
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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