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Belinda Says Hay: “It’s Not My 5-Year Anniversary”

Hello. It's Belinda.

I hope you're not shocked by the headline. It will make sense in a minute.

Well today is the day. Five years since I put on my "spokesrabbit cap."

Just kidding. I don't wear caps. Not with these ears.

My big 5-year anniversary surprise will launch next Sunday. You won't want to miss it. "Months in the making."

You might wonder why I'm not kicking it off today. Here in the US it's a holiday weekend. A lot of people are off enjoying themselves. I don't want my big announcement to get lost in the shuffle. Not after all my hard work.

So stay tuned.

If you saw my blog last week, you know I had a tough time deciding what to write today. "To put it mildly."

I asked you for feedback on some topics. As always, you went "above and beyond."

Thank you to everyone who wrote comments and messages to me.

As I read them, I started to remember all the other times my friends have helped me on this job. 

Such as when I predicted I would get record-breaking sales for my first official “promo.” So many of my friends ordered the "Belinda Bundle" to help me.

I ended up using my roommate’s credit card to “stack the deck.” I can’t believe I got away with that.

Moving on.

The day I finally got my own email account was a big deal. I told the team for months I needed my own email address and they kept saying no. And I "dug my heels in" until I won.

Every time you contact me at you prove I was right. 

When I invented a special Valentine’s Day Celebration of Love campaign, you sent hundreds of photos and made it a huge success. You can see them here.

Speaking of photos. One year I did research for a blog about using litterbox “leftovers” in the garden. To make compost.

I asked to see photos of loos and once again you came through. Some of you have very fancy or extra-practical setups. I really learned a lot. 

There are so many more examples but I'm running out of space.

Last but not least, you were so kind to me when my boyfriend died.

I think about him every time I work on my blog. He always encouraged me.

I talk to him too. Every now and then I hear him talk back.

When rabbits are sitting quietly “doing nothing” there might be more going on. That’s all I want to say about that.

I drew a portrait of my boyfriend. You can see it here.

My point with all of this is every time I stuck my neck out on this job things worked out OK. That's because you were here to help me.

My job is to help rabbits and everyone else get the food, treats, toys and information they need. If I "crash the tractor" now and then, so be it. I'm only trying to do a good job.

My roommate says that’s the “essence“ of rabbits and roommates living together. Or guinea pigs or chickens. Those who come at life from different angles.

She says success means learning to overlook the "fumbles." To meet each other halfway. 

I say that's what this spokesrabbit job is all about. Trying my best to be the "go between."

Rabbits on one side, roommates on the other. "Belinda in the middle."

That’s why it’s not my anniversary.

After five years and 260 blogs, I still don’t know what I’m doing. But there’s one thing I do know.

I wouldn't enjoy my job so much without my friends. Whether you "hopped on board" five years ago or a week ago. It counts. 

So it’s not my anniversary. It’s ours.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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