Hello. It's Belinda.
I have a personal question.
Do you watch the news much?
I'm not allowed. My roommate won't let me. She knows how I worry.
Right now that means about the weather. There's terrible weather all over the country.
I'm supposed to be working on my goals for 2025. They're due on the 15th.
But all I do is pace around the house.

I can't help it. I'm a rabbit.
Can't sit still.
Anyway please check in if you can. Let us know if you're dealing with "too much winter" or anything else.
Leave a comment below or email me at belinda@smallpetselect.com.
Be sure to include where you live.
OK so I have an update to last week's blog. In case you missed it, I asked if any of you have chosen a "word for the year."
My roommate told me about it. She said some people pick a word or "theme" to help them organize themselves for the new year.
Sounds good to me. I'll try any "hacks" if they help me get my work done.
The problem is I have no idea what word to choose. So I asked for help. And you sent me so many good words to consider I can't even believe it.
Here are your ideas for "word of the year":
- Attitude
- Belinda's Blend
- Bun construction
- Cherish
- Clueless
- Co-blog
- Conquer
- Evolve
- Just try
- Prepare
- Repose
- Thankfulness
- Thrive
- Treats
That's an excellent list of words. I want to thank everyone who pitched in to help.
As you can imagine I have no idea which one to choose.
This assignment isn't easy. "To put it mildly."
I'm sorry if you were expecting "the big reveal" today.
To make it up to you, I'm going to close this blog with a surprise.
The following is an email from my friend Cleco the Dutch rabbit, who lives in Michigan.
This is Cleco's wonderful message:
" .... today I am celebrating one year since my last bout of GI Stasis. I had it every month or even twice a month for several years. My mom kept track of every time I needed to get subcutaneous fluids and it was 26 times!
I’m going to be 11 years old in July, so I’m sure you understand how happy I am to be feeling so good. It makes me want to binky just thinking about it!
My word for 2025 is Joy! I feel joy because I am healthy, happy, and am still loving life (especially when life gives you loops, good hay, and willow leaves!)
I feel joyful when I look at my family and know how much they love me and take such good care of me. When I do binkies, my mom and dad say that 'the joy is coming out!' I think that would be a good word - you can use it if you want.
I have a question for you - could you sell more willow products, especially leaves? They are my favorite!"
Cleco, I am so glad you are feeling healthy, happy and full of joy. Sounds like your roommates are taking A+ care of you. And vice versa.
I will see what I can do about the willow leaves. I like them too.
"Binky on" if you know what I mean.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
Inventor of "First Chew"
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