Hello. It's Belinda.
I'm trying something new today. I hope you will like it.
But first, thank you so much for the nice emails and Facebook comments about last week's blog. The one about using "leftovers" from the litterbox on the garden.
If you know a gardener, please show the blog to them. You never know.
One more thing. I have an extra-important reminder.
The "Cutest Cutie of Them All" photo contest ends in 11 days.
You still have time to enter a photo of your "cutie." There are five prizes and I wish I could win all of them. Not to be greedy but if you take a look you'll understand.
The grand prize winner gets free hay for a year and a lot more.
Just look at all this.

To enter a "Cutest Cutie" photo, click here.
Don't forget to vote and share. The winners will be the ones with the most votes.
So anyway. Back to the main point of this blog.
I haven't snuck in a comment box for a while. It's overdue if you ask me.
That's why I am trying out a new idea called "Ask Me Anything."
If you have a question about hay or loops or "roommate management" or anything else, leave it in the comment box.
If the comment box gizmo doesn't work, just email it to me and I'll post it in the comments. Send to Belinda@smallpetselect.com
I'll write back as fast as I can. I nod off a lot so it might take me a few days. "Minimum."
Thanks for reading my blog. I really appreciate it.
SpokesrabbIt, Small Pet Select
Would you like to read more of Belinda's weekly blogs? See them all HERE.