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Belinda Says Hay: “My Roommate’s Easter Basket”

Belinda the Spokesrabbit Blog: My Roommate's Easter Basket

Hello. It's Belinda.

Happy Easter to all my friends who celebrate. I hope you get some goodies.

Speaking of that. Be sure to check out our Easter specials.

If you live in the USA, click here to see what the Easter bunny left for you.

If you're in the UK, see your special promo here.

I would buy one of everything if I had a gift card. I like to stock up.

Anyway this blog is going to be a little shorter than usual. I'm taking it easy for the holiday weekend.

But I wanted to tell you something that happened this week. It involves a little "Easter tradition" here at home.

I've written before about my roommate's antics. How every year, she tears the house apart looking for her Easter basket.

I can never tell if she's just acting but she goes overboard in my opinion. Crawls on the floor and unscrews the cover on the heating vent. 

Last year we tried to make her happy with some blueberries.  But she gave them to a bird.

This year I was stumped. But Little Fang saved the day. 

"We have everything we need," she said.

Unfortunately I was sound asleep when she said this. Because it was 2 o'clock in the morning.

"I said we have everything we need."

I opened my eyes.  I could see her staring at me from her pen.

We have everything for what?

"For an Easter basket. She'll be looking for one."

Little Fang told me her plan and she was right. 

We could "cobble together" a perfectly nice Easter basket from items in the house.

Most of what we needed was already in our room, here on the bottom level.

I don't want to say anything else for now.

My roommate is going to be so surprised.

I'll let you know what happens. 



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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