Hello. It's Belinda.
If you're in the US and reading this on Sunday, you might be off work. For the long holiday weekend.
If so, I hope you get to do some of your favorite holiday activities. Sneak in a nap if you can.
As for me, I'm writing this blog extra early. That's because my roommate is forcing me to take a "mini vacation."
No idea what she has planned. She's walking around the house whistling.
I don't have time to fret about it. I'm up to my ears in work.
Speaking of that. Last week I tried to write a blog about Healthy Snackers.
Have you tried them yet?
There's something for everyone. Pear blueberry, apple, carrot pineapple, pumpkin and banana.
The team here at Small Pet Select makes them from ground timothy hay, oats and fresh fruits and herbs. They're 100% all-natural with no added sugar.
You can get all the details here.
If your roommate is in a good mood, ask for all five bags. You never know.
Anyway when I wrote about snackers last week it went a bit "off the rails." So I'm trying again.
And it all starts with a little story.
"Once upon a time" the electricity was out. Due to a powerful storm.
This next part I'm going to "borrow" from the blog I wrote about the whole ordeal.
"My roommate was walking through the bottom level and she kept crashing into things. That’s because she was trying to carry two water bowls, a flashlight and a bag of the cilantro pear snackers.
The light beam zig-zagged on the walls and ceiling instead of the floor and, just after she bumped into the washing machine, she stepped on one of my chew balls.
She didn’t fall but she threw her arm out for balance and the bag of snackers sailed through the air. Turns out the bag was open and treats landed everywhere."
If that doesn't make your heart stop I don't know what will.
The blog has a surprise ending. Plus an embarrassing photo. You can see it here.
The reason I'm bringing this up is one of those snackers slid under the dryer. And I never saw it again.
For all I know it's still under there. I've tried to stretch my paw under to feel around for it. It drives me to distraction.
OK back to the main topic. Some of you asked me to name my favorite snacker flavor.
I'm not really allowed to talk about one "above" the other.
I'm supposed to say nice things about all the flavors.

The apple flavor is nice and crisp. Same with pumpkin snackers. They remind me of fall.
And the carrot pineapple and banana flavors have just the right mix of sweet and crunchy.
Are you getting a "hankering" for a little treat right now? If not I need to rethink my career.

I'm sorry I didn't write about my personal favorite. I have to follow the rules.
Thank you to everyone who wrote comments or emails about your favorite Healthy Snackers. Some of you talked about loops too.
I'm going to use your feedback in a future blog. "Stay tuned."
In the meantime I hope you have a good week.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
Would you like to read more of Belinda's weekly blogs? See them all HERE.