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Belinda Says Hay: ”A Survey for Rabbits”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, "A Survey for Rabbits" August 4, 2024

Hello. It's Belinda.

I hope you are having a good summer so far. With time to relax.

As for me, I'm still at the petsitter's house.

So are Little Fang and the English.

We mostly stay in big exercise pens but I get to run loose too.

By the way the petsitter left her "tote" on the floor in the hallway. 

Turns out canvas has a nice "mouth feel."

If you're wondering if this house still smells funny the answer is yes. 

And that brings me to today's topic. 

Last week, my friend Laura left an excellent comment on the Small Pet Select Facebook page

Here's what she wrote:

"This is also a great opportunity to remind all of the humans that strong odors are not something that bunnies particularly enjoy… Unless it is the strong odor of fresh Timothy! Certain smells make me feel sick…like the smell of coffee!"

I read all of the comments and emails people write to me. I read them three or four times if you want to know the truth.

Laura's comment really made me think about odors.

Rabbits have excellent "sniffers." We have to. 

If you live in a burrow you need to know who's "outside the front door" before you open it. Rabbits can smell unwelcome guests from far away if the wind is right.

We live inside the house now but our noses are still A+. 

I'm a bit "fussy" about smells and I'll bet I'm not the only one. 

So I hope you will ask your rabbit to help me with a little survey.

I'd like to know what smells your rabbit likes.

And which smells make them run out of the room.

Tell them to leave a comment below or email me at

I can't wait to see their messages. This could be a very "lively" conversation.

As always, thank you for all of your help and for reading my blog.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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