Hello. It's Belinda.
How do you like that headline?
I'm glad you opened the email. I hoped you would.
This tricky little headline is part of some "tactics" I'm learning from my new advertising book. More about that later.
First I need to say I'm not really writing this blog. Because I'm still on vacation. I'm supposed to be taking it easy.
Mostly I've been loafing on the AC vent.

I'm also watching a lot of TV with my roommate. She likes old-timey movies but I like "Vega$" with detective Dan Tanna. He always catches the crooks.
Some of her movies are OK but others make me nod off. The ones with a lot of singing for example.
As soon as the music starts I stand up from my rug and squeeze behind a piece of furniture.
Which led to an incident the other night.
After her movie was over, my roommate walked to my side of the room. She stretched her arm into the "tunnel" between the couch and the wall, where I was dozing. Trying to reach me.
"Belinda wake up."
I opened my eyes. The TV light was on but the room was quiet.
"Here's the remote control. Watch whatever you want. I'm going to bed."
She pushed the remote across the carpet. It slid and stopped a few inches from my nose.
As my roommate walked upstairs to the bedroom level, I thought about my evening healthy snacker. Wondered whether I should have it before or after Vega$.
I guess I nodded off right after that. Because I had an odd dream about a new kind of treat.
In the dream I was "taste-testing" the treat and I did not care for it. It was too small and rubbery.
Next thing you know I woke up with my chin resting on the remote control. And two of the buttons were chewed off.
Anyway my real news is about the advertising book I'm reading. It is going to "change the game" in my opinion.
Just in time for my three-year anniversary as your spokesrabbit.
If you have been reading my blogs since the beginning, I want to say "thank you."
I never thought all of this would happen. Did you?
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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