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Belinda Says Hay: ”Every Rabbit has a Dream Job”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, "Every Rabbit has a Dream Job" August 31, 2024

Hello. It's Belinda.

It's Labor Day weekend. A fun holiday here in the USA.

I hope you have time to relax, no matter where you live.

Speaking of Labor Day. Did you see our specials?

You can get up to 15% off your order when you use code LABORDAY15 at the checkout. 

Or stock up on your favorite bundles for 20% off (no code necessary).

See all the goodies here.

Show it to your rabbit. Let them "window shop" for a bit.

This day is for them too. 

That's because roommates aren't the only ones who celebrate Labor Day. Rabbits have jobs too. 

Spokesrabbit for example. In fact today is my work anniversary.

OK now I want to warn you about something. This next part is a little "woo woo."

Because when I say every rabbit has a job I mean a "dream job." 

You might see your rabbit sitting quietly under a window or in a dark corner of the living room. You might think it must be nice to just "do nothing" all afternoon. 

Well there might be more going on. They might be working.

"Inside their mind."

I know this because rabbits email me. They tell me about their dream jobs.

Chef's assistant.


Hay inspector. 


Organic farmer.




If you want to know your rabbit's dream job, I have a  tip for you.

Sometime today, when you notice your rabbit relaxing and staring into space, try this:

Remind them that this is Labor Day weekend in the USA. A time to celebrate workers.

Then just ask the question. You have nothing to lose.

"What is your dream job?"

Be quiet for a minute or two. Wait to hear what they tell you.

Rabbits like to be asked. And they like when the humans wait quietly.

Did you get an answer?

Try to listen with "rabbit ears."

If I were there, I would speak to them in my mind. 

I would tell them, "You can be anything you want to be."

Which is exactly what I tell myself every day.

Because after seven years, I still don’t know what I’m doing.

And I still would call this my dream job. 



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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