Hello. It's Belinda.
Welcome to my Earth Day birthday celebration.
I'm so glad you're here.
An extra big "thank you" to everyone joining today through photos.
I can't believe how many of you took the time to email photos to me. Some show you celebrating a birthday or Earth Day. Others are "pics" of you enjoying a regular day.
Every one of these photos made me happy. I'm so sorry I can't use all of them. I fit as many as I could into this blog.
So let's get this party started.

Benjamin's here celebrating his birthday.
I wonder what's in the big box behind him.
I hope it's full of snackers, loops, hay cubes, herbal mixes and "whatever else."
It's good to see you Benjamin.

Brady brought his "loo," which is good planning in my opinion.
Do you see the Small Pet Select hay in there? That turns into "you know what" and then the whole thing becomes fertilizer for plants.
Way to go, Brady and roommate. "Happy Earth Day."

If you are looking for Cammie, you'll find her working on a nice plate of carrot birthday cake. That plate has a little bit of everything in my opinion.
It's so good to see you Cammie. Thanks for coming to my party.

Every party needs toys and Clover brought his favorite. He's had it since the day he moved into his home.
Clover, I showed your photo to my friend Little Fang. I think she has a crush on you but that's none of my business.
I just thought you should know.

This is my new friend Edwin the Syrian Hamster. He's six months old if you can believe it. He looks so grown up.
For Earth Day he got a cork log, which sounds like a fun "perch."
Edwin likes to run and burrow in Small Pet Select bedding. He really knows how to party.
Edwin come on in. Make yourself at home.

"Bonjour" to Fred.
Everyone speaks French where he lives, so his birthday banner says "Bonne Fete." Which means "Happy Birthday ."
Fred might be eight years old but nobody knows for sure. I say age is just a "le nombre."
Fred's been with his forever family for seven years and that's something to celebrate every day.
Thanks for making the trip all the way to Pittsburgh, Fred.

I'm glad I ordered extra boxes of second cutting Timothy hay for my party because Lola and Mia are here.
They know what's good.
Help yourself Lola and Mia. There's plenty.

Just when I thought this party couldn't be better.
Marshmallow and Ezequiel are here and celebrating their brand-new bond.
You can see how happy they are in this excellent photo.
Marshmallow and Ezequiel, you look like movie stars. Thanks for bringing your nice "love vibe" to my party.

Mocha Java sends this festive birthday photo from far away.
But he's also here with us right now.
That's the "magic" of parties.
I'm glad you're here, Mocha Java. Help yourself to some hay.

I ordered five extra boxes of 3rd cutting Timothy for this party.
That's because I expected Moon Pie to show. He never misses a party.
Moon Pie, I hope you have room in the car for a "take out" box or two.
I like to see my guests enjoying hay as much as you do. It's job security.
Just kidding.

Olive sent this nice photo from her third birthday a few weeks ago. She took a quick break from her “birthday cake” to pose.
Glad you could make it Olive. I hope you have fun at my party.

Here's another birthday treat, courtesy of Phil celebrating the big 2.0.
This photo is extra dreamy because it was taken at Keuka Lake, NY.
It's good to see you, Phil. Come in and make yourself at home.

"Hold on to your hat."
Have you ever seen such a fancy "gotcha day anniversary" setup?
This is my friend Rose getting ready to run off with her homemade treat. She was supposed to pose for a photo but that's the thing about rabbits.
Welcome to my party Rose. You can run around all you want.

You're not going to believe where Scout is.
She's relaxing inside a travel trailer.
That's right. For Earth Day, Scout and her family go camping.
You can park your trailer on the grass, Scout. My roommate won't mind.
It's my party and that means the yard too.

Cookie's here with her birthday cake and balloons.
"Way to go" with the pretty lights and colors. I can't stop looking at it.
The next time I have a party I want Cookie to be in charge of decorations.
Help yourself to a treat, Cookie. There's a box of loops in the kitchen.

OK. Now the party can really get started.
Yoshi and Toshi are here from all the way up north. Almost in Canada.
You two look like "captains of mischief" if you know what I mean.
Which is just what this party needs.
So on that note, I'm going to sign off and have fun with my guests.
Thanks to everyone for helping me to celebrate Earth Day and my birthday.
"I raise a snacker to you."
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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