Hello. It's Belinda.
It's Memorial Day weekend here in the US. That means a lot of people are enjoying a "long weekend."
Which is a regular weekend plus Monday. Some people add Friday "for good measure."
I plan to take it easy all weekend. Watch my shows, nap. That sort of thing.
I thought it would be fun to see how other rabbits "unwind" so I asked my friends on Facebook to send me some photos. As usual everyone was so helpful.
I got over 90 photos. I couldn't believe it.
There were so many excellent shots but I can't use 90 photos in my blog. That will never fly with the Tech Team.
So here are a few of my favorites. I hope you like them too.

First up is Teddy in his fancy bed, which has a nice wooden frame as well as a big cushion.
Best of all, look at the toys. If he's in the mood for a little chew, he can lean over and grab a ball or basket.
I hope roommates get inspired by Teddy's setup. It's A+ in my opinion.

Tater looks like he's in the middle of a workout. Which is inspiring.
You can't just lie around on your sleeping rug all day. That's what I plan to do but still. It's better to follow Tater's example. "Get some exercise."

Did you notice Harper's back legs? I don't even know how this works.
All I can say is "Don't try this at home."
Just kidding. If you have good hips you can sleep like a gymnast.

This is my friend HoneyButter relaxing in her hay. This is an adorable photo because HoneyButter is a supermodel. Look at her ears.
Guinea pigs deserve a weekend break too. So do chickens and everyone else.

Huck is extra handsome in this photo but I want you to look at his "pillow." Except it's not a pillow. It's a piece of ceramic tile.
In the warm weather it's refreshing to sleep on cool tile. Especially if it was in the fridge for an hour or so.
Summer is coming so it's good to know these "hacks."

This is a mystery photo for a few reasons.
First of all, I don't know this rabbit's name.
Also, check out all those presents. I would be "going to town" on that wrapping paper. This rabbit has a lot of patience in my opinion.
It's always nice to see Christmas gifts. That rabbit has a "super stash" from the looks of it.

This is Sherman and he's an "old man" according to his roommate.
There's nothing wrong with that. Old rabbits can teach everyone else about napping. You can see by the photo that Sherman knows what he's doing.
Sherman, I hope you see my blog. Thanks for the photo. You look terrific if you want to know the truth.

Last but not least, here's Stuart and Walt. They are best buddies.
Having another rabbit around can be very calming. Unless that other rabbit is Little Fang, chattering away at 2 o'clock in the morning.
I don't mean that. I'll take her "quirks and all." It's fun to hang out with your friend. Just ask Stuart and Walt.
That's all the photos for now. Thanks to everyone who sent one. I'm sorry I couldn't post all of them here.
Have a good week. "Stay cool."
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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