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Belinda Says Hay: ”Helping a Lost Rabbit”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, "Helping a Lost Rabbit" Sept 8, 2024

Hello. It's Belinda.

I'm taking a big risk with today's blog. I  hope I don't get in trouble.

I was supposed to write more about "rabbit jobs" this week. To follow up on my Labor Day blog.

But there's a bit of a situation in my neighborhood.

I'm just going to "cut to the chase."

Do you know this rabbit?

I'm sorry the photo is so "low res." I found it in my roommate's phone.

Here's another angle:

I don't have permission to use these photos. Not from the rabbit or my roommate.

I'm saying that for legal purposes.  

But come on. Someone's living outside in this weather and that's not right. I want to help.

I can't "roam the streets" looking for this little rabbit. Telling them to follow me home.

But I can put them in my blog and hope for the best.

Maybe someone will see these photos and stop in their tracks.

Maybe they'll yell out "I don't believe this!" and "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

So if the team is mad at me for switching topics, "so be it."

There's nothing more important than helping a lost rabbit.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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