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Belinda Says Hay: “Technology”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, March 23, 2025. "Technology"

Hello. It's Belinda.

Today I need to write about Enzo's performance review.

But first I need to share a message I got from one of my friends. It's about last week's blog.

It wasn't really a blog in my opinion. More of a fun little "yarn" called "The Story of the Magic Rabbit."

The rabbit's name is Joan and in the story she vanishes into thin air.

I guess Joan isn't the only "magical" rabbit out there. Because a lot of you wrote to me about your own household tricksters. 

My friend Christina for example. She left this message on the Small Pet Select Facebook page about her rabbit named Penny.

"I made the mistake of teaching her that it was ok to go downstairs.

One morning she was rearing to go. I put a three panel gate up in the hallway to prevent her going downstairs by herself and for her parents to still sleep in.

When we were ready to start the day I realized that she wasn’t in the two bedrooms that she has access to. My husband found her on the last step before hitting the basement."

I asked Christina how Penny got over the gate. She said it was "only open like an inch at the time I didn’t think much of it. Until I couldn’t find her in either one of her bedrooms."

All I can say is "way to go Penny."

Here's a photo of the little scamp.

I like to read stories about rabbits pulling fast ones. It makes me feel like my house is normal.

OK. Now I have to get back to business. 

And by that I mean buckling down and planning my meeting with Enzo. For his performance evaluation.

I wrote about it last month. First in a blog called "Enzo’s Anniversary."  Then in a follow-up blog called "How Do You Rate a Rabbit?"

I'm supposed to give him feedback about his novel chapters. Which I have no idea how to do. That's why I keep rescheduling our meeting.

In the meantime I've been researching all about performance evaluations. I can't find anything about rabbit novelists.

So now I'm trying to find an "app" to help me.

I know what you're thinking. Every time I try to use apps it's a disaster.

For example, I tried a "productivity app" a few years ago. The directions said to take a photo of yourself and put it into the app.

Not sure why it needed a photo but I followed the instructions and look at what happened.

Come on.

You can see more goofy photos here.

There has to be some kind of gizmo out there to help me with this Enzo situation.

Anyway that's all for now. 

We are having some nice spring days here in Pittsburgh. If you like spring flowers, I hope you get to eat some soon.


Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
Inventor of the First Chew holiday
Word for 2025: "Ask"

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