Hello. It's Belinda.
I'll start this blog with an announcement that's going to "blow your mind."
Black Friday is two weeks away.
Can you believe it? I can't.
The good news is you are going to love the deals. I'm not allowed to say anything else. "Stay tuned."
As for me, I'm in a panic.
These weeks are "flying by" too fast in my opinion. That's because I have a big deadline and I'm behind schedule.
The deadline is for the report "re" my ads. I mean the ones I did for the 2nd cut Timothy & Alfalfa Hay Combo Box. I created about 20 ads and the team rejected all of them.
Well I showed them. I got a lot of positive comments on the ads I included in my $150 Gift Card Giveaway. Thanks again to everyone who entered and left feedback.
All I have to do now is turn in a report to the team. Let them know how much everyone loved my ads.
The problem is not everyone loved the ads. A few people though the chicken ad was "too abstract." Someone even asked if it was a "prank."
That ad was not a prank. I worked on it for three days. It's very professional.
You can see why this project gives me writer's block. "To put it mildly."
Every time I try to work on it I end up doing something else.
For example, Wednesday afternoon. I had a nice lunch of 2nd cut Timothy with a pinch of alfalfa. "For inspiration."
I set up shop under the utility sink and opened the spreadsheet. I read the first few comments and everything was going fine.
Then I came to one that said "What's up with the chicken? Chickens don't eat hay."
That's all it took.
I can't work after reading something like that.
Next thing you know I'm wandering across the room to see my boyfriend's companion. Also known as "Little Fang."
I stood at her pen and stuck my face in.

Little Fang took the photo. In fact she took a lot of photos.
We goofed around with different poses until my nose started to hurt.
Then I took a half-nap.
You may be wondering where Little Fang got the camera. My roommate left her phone in the pen by mistake. Speaking of distracted.
Anyway I have to get this finished. Because if Black Friday is almost here, that means the holiday season is right behind it.
The holidays are the busiest time of year for me and everyone on the team. We have a warehouse full of goodies ready to go.
"Tell Santa."
So I need to get this ad report done while I still have time. I'll figure something out.
Enough about me and my nonsense. I'm fine.
Remember to watch for the Black Friday deals. Tell your friends so they can stock up too.
Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
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