Okay. I had to take a break from serious blogs. Because no one likes serious all of the time. So, what better way to take a break than… find some awesome rat memes. These little guys crack me up. And the humans who created these memes crack me up too. So, whoever did these, a huge shoutout. I bow down to you.
If I had a boyfriend, this would be the story of my life. Can ya’ll agree?!

Rats have jokes, too. (And they're obviously WAY better than mine.)

Awe, little guy. No one's mocking you. But I could see how you'd be slightly confused.

You know we've all had those nights... and there is zero reason for shame.

If you've ever owned a rat, this makes perfect sense. Plus. HOW CUTE IS THIS LITTLE ONE?!

Welp, folks, that's all for today. Five is totally enough when they're as awesome as these are. Have raticulously great week!