So, it’s my opinion that gerbils aren’t given the respect that they deserve. Because when I started looking online to find some really awesomely adorable memes, nothing came up. Well, hardly anything.
So, for all of you gerbil lovers out there, this one’s for you. A few hours of trying to find the best of the best. The cutest of the cute. Sorry if they’re not memes, but not every smile needs a meme attached to it. Sometimes all it takes is a picture.
Was I lying when I said not all smiles need to be attached to a meme? Even though I have a dog, a cat, two bunnies and a fish, I also want to have these gerbils. Too many animals? …Nope, never too many animals.

You go, little one. Not only are you getting your exercise, but you have a sense of humor, too. See? Gerbils rock.

Okay. Even though we all love taking selfies (I consider myself the queen of the selfie), gerbils are so obviously better than humans at them.

Because seriously? Who can't relate to this?

And lastly... because everyone needs a little applause sometimes. And when it's from a gerbil, it's just that much better.

Hope you smiled. Have a great day, y'all.