As rabbit caregivers, our goal is to offer our fluffy friends a wholesome and nourishing diet. Nevertheless, deciphering the realm of rabbit nutrition can often seem like unraveling an intricate puzzle. A frequent query we often hear is, "Can Rabbits Have Spinach?" With so many conflicting opinions and answers, we can distinguish reality from misconception .

With caution & moderation, rabbits can eat spinach.
Healthy rabbits can enjoy fresh, uncooked spinach. However, only sparingly as there are important considerations to factor in. Don't worry, we'll help break it all down so you can feel confident before deciding if spinach is the right choice for your furry companion.

Benefits and Risks
Spinach is often considered a nutritious vegetable for humans, but when it comes to feeding rabbits, there are both benefits and risks that are important to consider. With all the differing opinions, let's hop straight to the facts.
Nutritional Benefits of Spinach for Rabbits:
Spinach contains various vitamins and minerals, as well as some dietary fiber that can be beneficial for rabbits in small amounts.
These include vitamins A, C, and K; minerals such as calcium and iron. These nutrients are all essential for your cuties' overall health, immune system, and proper growth.
- Vitamin A assists in maintaining good eyesight and healthy skin.
- Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant that helps boost the immune system while promoting collagen production for strong connective tissues.
- Vitamin K aids in blood clotting and supports proper bone health.
- Iron assists in red blood cell production while ensuring optimal oxygen transport throughout the body.
- Calcium contributes to strong bones and tooth formation.
Additionally, if you're feeding a lower quantity of pellet food - or no pellets at all - the nutritional value needs to be replaced. This is done by adding fresh veggies.

Potential Risks of Spinach for Rabbits:
When considering adding spinach, quantity and rotation is key. Often discussed among bun-parents and groups is that spinach contains oxalates (a compound found in some plant foods) which can be toxic when consumed in large amounts.
For rabbits not suffering from kidney issues (sludge, cystitis/UTI, etc.), in limited quantities, spinach is fine. Large quantities, however, are an absolute no. Excessive oxalates prohibit the absorption of some important nutrients rabbits need and may contribute to serious health concerns.
Spinach also contains calcium. While a specific amount of calcium is important for bone growth/maintenance, too much in a rabbit's diet can contribute to kidney problems and urinary tract disorders.

Adding Spinach to Your Rabbits Diet
Introducing new food into your rabbit's diet can be exciting and enriching for both you and your furry friend. As discussed, it's best to approach this process with caution and prioritize their safety and well-being by introducing new foods gradually.
Rabbits have sensitive digestive systems, so sudden changes in their diet can lead to gastrointestinal issues.
Introduce veggies and greens slowly to make sure your rabbit tolerates each new food. Only one at a time and a small amount; no more than half an ounce.
It's important to note that recommended daily veggie amounts can vary based on individual rabbits' metabolism, activity level, and health status. For general guidance, see below:
- Baby Rabbits (beginning around 12 weeks old) – Introduce vegetables (one at a time, quantities under 1/2 oz.)
- Young Adults (7 months to 1 year) - Gradually increase daily vegetables; make sure your rabbit can tolerate.
- Adults - The general amount is approximately 2 cups of chopped veggies per 6 lbs. body weight.
Monitor your rabbit's weight & overall condition to adjust their diet accordingly.
Watch for any signs of discomfort or digestive upset before increasing the quantity of food. The quickest way to monitor your buns' health is through - you guessed it - their droppings. Check daily for any changes. Read more about What Rabbit Poop Can Tell You.
Many of the fresh vegetables we feed rabbits have a low to zero level of oxalic acid. Some have higher levels that we should be aware of and are listed below. Notably parsley, mustard greens and spinach.
Feed only one of the varieties of these greens a day, rotated daily:
- Parsley
- Spinach
- Mustard greens
- Chard
- Parsley
- Beet greens
- Kale
Offer a Variety of Fresh Veggies
Offering suitable tasty veggie "treats," alongside unlimited hay, allows rabbits to explore many textures and tastes - mimicking some of their basic natural instincts. A variety of vegetables also provide a well-rounded nutritional profile which is always a win!
Luckily, we offer many delicious treats rabbits zoomie for. Like our 100% natural unsweetened Dried Tomato Flakes. Take a few bits of this nutrient dense treat and place it around your bun area for foraging fun. Hide them under hay or sprinkle on the top level of a castle to encourage activity.
Another healthy veggie option is Dried Carrots.
All-natural and packed with antioxidants! Stimulate natural foraging instincts by hiding a couple of pieces in with hay or around living quarters. The possibilities really are endless!While these are healthy, remember they're still considered treats.

Remember, with vegetables, the key lies in moderation and mindful selection. Consult a rabbit-savvy veterinarian with any concerns and tailor a vegetable assortment that aligns with your furry friend's unique needs.
As you embark on this journey of feeding your rabbit the colorful goodness of nature's bounty, you're forging a path towards a thriving, hOpPy, and well-nourished companion. What more could a paw parent ask for?
Well... besides more fur-babies of course.
We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.
Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.