Hey hamster lovers. It’s Tuesday. And you know what that means. Four more days until Friday. Or three, not counting today… if you’re the optimistic type. So I thought I’d send some hamster funnies your way to help you make it through the week. We all need a little pick me up sometimes. Here are my absolute favorite top five hamster memes.

Netflix, Hamster Style. Seriously. This is how I feel going in to most Mondays. Actually, going in to most any day, really. Hamsters sure are smart little fellas.
Hmmm… What can you do for me today? Maybe wave a magic wand and make it the weekend? That’d be great, thanks.

I literally laughed out loud at this. Who doesn’t love a cheesy hamster joke? Oooh. See what I did there!?
Okay. Any hamster who can stuff enough food in his cheeks to resemble a cobra snake has won over my heart. Plus this is just hilarious.

This is my absolute favorite. And if you’ve ever owned a small animal who requires a water bottle, you probably understand why. Because it’s one million percent true.
Happy Tuesday, ya’ll!