You might have a lot on your mind when you bring your pet to your veterinarian, whether the visit is a routine wellness visit or you think something might be wrong. Below are some questions to ask your veterinarian that you may want to write down and bring with you to your visit.
What is the best diet for my pet?
Choosing a pet food can be overwhelming. There are a lot of brands, with each one trying to persuade you that it's the best. There are also a lot of formulas. Some seem plain, while others include colorful nuggets or seeds. The best diet for your individual pet depends on a number of factors, including the age of your pet, its weight, and any medical issues it may have.
Because so much goes into determining the proper diet, this is an important question to ask. Your veterinarian will know a lot more about what is appropriate for your pet and its specific needs than someone at a pet store or pet food company would. Be sure to ask how much to feed and how best to change food when switching in order to not stress your pet’s delicate intestinal system.
How can I make sure my pet gets enough exercise?
Small pets are just as likely to become overweight and have weight-related illnesses as larger animals are, so exercise is important! Your veterinarian will have ideas about ways to encourage your pet to exercise. This could involve extra time outside of its cage or pen to explore, an exercise wheel, boxes to jump on and around, toys to throw, and more.
Is my pet at an appropriate weight?
Veterinarians assess pet weight more by body condition than by an actual number. We feel its muscles and skeleton and belly and determine if the pet has too much fat for its body. Extra fat/weight can cause health problems.
Besides being hard on the heart and internal organs, extra weight can lead to foot sores, arthritis, and urine scald, which are painful conditions. Your vet can determine if your pet is overweight or underweight and can help you solve any issues.

What diseases is my pet susceptible to?
Your veterinarian can help you understand any conditions and diseases your pet is at risk for. This helps you monitor your pet for signs of these issues to help it stay safe and get veterinary assistance as soon as possible if necessary.
Some conditions are related to breed of pet, for example, ear infections in lop-eared rabbits. Some conditions are related to age, such as dental disease. Some conditions are related to other issues, such as cancer in unspayed females, fly strike in pets allowed to be outside much, and rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus in certain areas of the country.
If there are any vaccines for diseases your pet is susceptible to, your vet will be able to recommend them. If there are procedures that should be done to keep your pet in its best health, such as a spay or neuter, your vet will recommend that as well.
What tests should I have done?
If your pet is a certain age or if your veterinarian is concerned about an underlying health issue, certain tests may be recommended. For example, blood work tests kidney function, liver function, and infection, among other things.
Imaging (such as X-rays and ultrasound) can test for arthritis, urinary tract stones, intestinal function, and more. Biopsies test for cancer and infections. Tests can be expensive, though, so you may want to ask your vet if a test can wait until the next visit so that you can plan for the expense.
Does my pet need any medication?
Veterinarians should not prescribe any medication that isn’t necessary, so if your vet tells you your pet needs one, it most likely does. The medication should be given exactly as your vet tells you, so if you have any questions regarding how or when to give it, ask.

Sometimes your vet will also recommend certain supplements or treats. If you read something on the internet or a friend tells you about something that worked for his or her pet, please ask your vet before giving it to yours. It could actually be harmful.
How do my pet’s teeth look?
Small pets commonly have dental issues, whether incisor overgrowth, tooth spurs, or tooth root abscesses. Your veterinarian will check for these issues and let you know if there is anything that needs to be addressed. Sometimes teeth may need to be filed or antibiotics prescribed or even surgery performed. If dental issues are not addressed, a pet may have trouble eating, which can be life-threatening.

What grooming does my pet need?
Depending on the type of pet you have, its breed, its age, and any health conditions, it may need to be brushed, be bathed, have haircuts, or something else. Or maybe those things shouldn’t ever be done.
Most pets need their nails trimmed at least. Your veterinarian can instruct you on how to perform these tasks if necessary in addition to letting you know what products are best for your particular pet.
What expenses should I expect?
Pets can sometimes cost more than you think. From yearly wellness appointments to possible tests and treatments, your veterinarian can help give you an idea of what the cost of caring for your pet may involve. This can help you plan and/or save for the future. Some veterinary clinics offer programs that let you make payment plans and may also be able to advise you on pet insurance.
Copyright 2024 Amy “Brem” Bremers, DVM