CHAPTER 51 – Abigail the Model
One afternoon, Dad came into the room with a big fleece and draped it between the couches, letting the extra material flow onto the floor. Abigail watched with curiosity. What was Dad up to? Dad arranged the fleece so it faced the window at a slight angle, and then placed a vase with some flowers on it.
“Abigail, you’re so cute. How would you like to be a model?” he asked. “It’s easy,” explained Dad, “Just come over and strike some poses!” Abigail wasn’t sure about this. To entice her to come over, Dad placed some treats on the fleece. But like any good diva, Abigail was not about to come on command. She wandered off into the other room to do her afternoon patrol. Dad waited patiently by the “set”, playing with his camera settings so he’d be ready for her. He knew curiosity would eventually get to Abigail.
Sure enough, about a half hour later, Abigail wandered over to the fleece. It seemed safe, so she hopped onto it and sniffed around until she found the treats. Dad pulled out his camera and began clicking away while she munched on the treats. “Good girl!” he said. Finished with her treats, Abigail stood up on her back feet and sniffed at the flower in the vase. “Is this real?” she wondered. “That’s it. Work it, work it!” laughed Dad. She paused while Dad took a photo. Then she changed positions, paused, and then changed positions again. “Look to the left,” instructed Dad. Sure enough, Abigail turned her head and paused. She was a natural. “That’s great!” said Dad. Abigail wasn’t exactly sure what Dad was doing, but she loved the attention from him, so she kept going.
After a few minutes of this, the diva thought, “OK, that’s enough for now. Time for a break.” She hopped off to her hay tunnel for a chew. “That was awesome, Abigail!” complimented Dad, “You did really well!”
He scurried off to his computer to download the photos and see what his furry model looked like in pictures. Dad might have been a little biased, but he thought she was just as beautiful in photos as she was in real life!