Baby chicks hold an irresistible charm, but their delicate nature can present unexpected challenges for even the most enthusiastic caretakers. From fluctuating temperatures to proper nutrition and everything in between, the path to successfully raising hatchlings can be riddled with uncertainties. Luckily, we've discovered some helpful tips & tricks: how to care for your baby chicks.

Preparation: Getting Everything Ready
When it comes to gathering supplies, first identify what you may already have vs. the items you will need. Consider making a list of everything and include any tools, materials, safety equipment, and other essentials you may need.
- Brooder - Several options depending on the size of your flock. Solid-sided brooders (preferably sheltered indoors with warmer temperatures) are recommended. Baby chicks are susceptible to drafts and need housing that is clean, warm, and dry.
- Heat Source - Warming pad, Chick Brooder Warming Plate, etc. Caution if using heat lamps - these can be a fire hazard.
- Brooder Lighting - To ensure chicks can find food and water, 23-24 hours of light is recommended for at least the first 48-72 hours. Great options are: 60-watt incandescent bulb, a 14-watt compact fluorescent bulb (preferably a warm-white type), or a 9-watt LED bulb for each 200 square feet of floor space.
For supplemental lighting after the first 2-3 weeks -You'll want to avoid overly high lighting - great options are: 40-watt incandescent, an 11-watt compact fluorescent bulb or a 6-watt LED bulb.
- Waterer - Remember to keep water fresh at all times. Avoid open dishes/saucers as these are prone to quick water contamination.
- Feeder & Chick Feed - We've got your hatchlings fed with nutritious, high-quality Chicken Starter Feed, Non-GMO, Corn & Soy Free! Complete and balanced chick food for babies up to 18 weeks.
- Bedding Material - Check out our Pine Bedding Chicken Shavings perfect for all age chickens!
- Chicken Coop - Transition fully feathered chicks around 6-8 weeks old. If a safe, free roaming area isn't an option, you may want to consider a spacious chicken run.
Once you've prepared everything and tested the setup, you're ready for healthy baby chicks!

Caring For Your Chicks
Maintaining Temperature Control
Now that your little fluffy chick paradise is ready to rock and roll, we want to keep the chicklings thriving and warm.

The initial weeks are critical to hatchlings' survival - they rely on external heat sources to maintain their body temperature.
1st week: the recommended temperature range is between 95°F and 100°F (35°C-38°C).
Week 2 - 4: the temperature can be lowered by approximately 5°F (2-3°C) per week until it reaches around 70°F (21°C).
Around week 5: chicks should be able to regulate their own body temperature more effectively, the ambient room temperature may suffice. However, it's still important to provide a warm area within their living space so they can seek warmth if needed.
Chatty Chickens
Build trust and familiarity early on with your brood. Spend one-on-one time with your chicks. Like other small pets, you can form trust through talking and holding your cuties.
Birds of a feather flock together. If you've heard this term then you may know there's truth behind it. Most chicks from the same flock love to socialize with each other and watching how they interact within their own group can aid in developing proper social behaviors.
Nevertheless, akin to us humans, every chick possesses its unique personality, and occasionally, you might come across an angry bird.

Observe sibling interactions. Ideally, before mixing flocks; short, supervised introductions are best. Ensure there's enough space for the chicks to move around comfortably. Overcrowding can lead to stress and aggressive behavior.
Watch out for signs of aggression like ruffled feathers, pecking at the face/head, or pecking at and pulling out feathers. In time, you'll better understand each personality.
Nutritious Feed = Healthier Hens
Chicks grow super fast so they have important nutritional needs to meet. Ideally, choose a Starter Feed that contains the highest percentage of protein a layer should consume. You want top quality as it's recommended to feed the same chicken starter from hatch to week 18.
The good news is you can stop your search here! Chicks go quacky over our Corn-Free, Soy-Free, Non-GMO Premium Chicken Starter Feed
This U.S. sourced chicken starter food, complete with 20% protein level is the perfectly balanced diet your little one deserves.Now that you're well on your way to becoming an eggs-pert egg-farmer, we hope you'll be able to worry less and have more time to enjoy your pets. And of course all the delicious eggs!
Embrace the journey of nurturing these adorable little creatures, and you'll be rewarded with the joy of watching them thrive as they become an integral part of your flock and your heart. Happy chick-raising!
We are not veterinarians, and none of our information should be construed as veterinary advice.
Before adding any new product, please consult your exotic veterinarian. If your pet is acting unwell and you have concerns for their well being, please contact your vet immediately.