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Belinda Says Hay: “Let’s Talk About Treats”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, Nov 17, 2024. "Let's Talk About Treats"

Hello. It's Belinda.

I've been working "overtime" on a very special blog for Thanksgiving. Watch for it next Sunday.

Speaking of overtime. I'm even more "over" this Daylight Saving Time situation.

For example, here's a photo of me at noon. 

Trying to find a treat I dropped on the floor.

Just kidding.

That's not noon but who can tell these days. With all the "clock tampering."

OK enough about that. Today I want to write about something fun.


Do you recognize that?

It's from a bag of apple pea flake Healthy Snackers. 

I took the photo. 

Sorry this one's so blurry. My eyesight isn't good up close.

That's Tammy. She bakes all the snackers.

She does such a good job they put her on the bag.

How do you like that.

bunny treats

Here's another photo of the bags. I borrowed it from the website.

That's not even all the flavors. Check them out.

What do we have here?

If you guessed "a big pinch of flowers and herbs" you're exactly right.

In fact it's my Belinda's Blend mix. With chamomile, red clover, rose petals, dandelion leaves, lavender, hibiscus and elder flower. 

Sometimes my roommate sprinkles it on my hay. Other times I enjoy it as a "side plate" with my dinner salad. 

It all depends on my mood.

That's the bag for my Belinda's Blend. 

The team did an excellent job with "jazzing up" my picture.

treats for rabbits

Here are some of the other herbal blends. They're so good.

Read all about them here. Plus see more herbs and flowers you can try.

Last but not least.

My favorite crunchy snack.

Also known as a "loop."

Meadow Loops
Orchard loops

That's the boxes for Meadow Loops and Orchard Loops. You can see more flavors here.

I could eat an entire box of loops. Which doesn't "fly" with my roommate.  

She gives me one a day. In fact she breaks each loop into smaller pieces. It's not fair but there you go.

While you're on the website, be sure to check out all the treats.

The team adds new surprises all the time. Especially this time of year.

Well there you have it. My "treat blog." Something a little different.

Remember: Next week's blog is extra special.

I can't wait. I hope you feel the same.



Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select

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