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Belinda Says Hay: “How Do You Rate a Rabbit?”

Belinda Says Hay spokesrabbit blog, Feb. 23, 2025. "How Do You Rate a Rabbit?"

Hello. It's Belinda.

Last week I mentioned Enzo's big anniversary. It's been a year since he took over Abigail's novelist job.

He calls it "Abigail's House of Buns" and he writes a new chapter every week. Not an easy thing to pull off if you ask me. 

I also mentioned that I'm supposed to conduct a "performance review" for him. Per my roommate.

She read about it on the internet. It said that performance reviews for writers talk about things like "punctuation," "keywords" and "voice."

Rabbits don't know about any of that.

"You have to rate his work on a scale of 1 to 5, Belinda." She said this while pulling towels out of the dryer.

It's a good thing her back was to me. If you know what I mean. 

First of all, nobody ever "rates" my blogs. The thought of it makes me itch.

Not sure how Enzo would feel about it.  

Secondly, I asked for help in last week's blog and everyone said Enzo does excellent work. But nobody talked about 1 to 5 scores.

My friend Colleen commented that "He’s done a great job taking over for Abigail. That deserves two binkies way up!"

See what I mean.

My friend Atticus and his rabbit roommates left me a comment too. It said "I think you tell him, 'Great job, kid!' and sneak him some extra treats."

No numbers mentioned in Atticus' comment.

Christina said "I enjoy reading every week and actually look forward every week to reading the next chapter. I still love your broken English. Reminds me of my own buns, past and present."

How about that. Some people don't give a loop about "punctuation."

My friend Brittany sent me some feedback in an email. She said "we love reading your blog and Abigail’s House of Buns! Enzo is doing a fantastic job.

Thank you to the bunny blogs for brightening my day and keeping the spirit of Abigail and all bunnies that have crossed the rainbow bridge alive."

Sounds like Brittany would give Enzo a "5 out of 5."

Zoe sent me an email too. She lives with a human but the human didn’t write anything.

Zoe told me about something called a "360-degree review." She heard about it from her roommate. 

"I think that means he's surrounded by a circle of friends who can tell him what a good job he's doing. It may mean he needs to zoom in a circle as part of the review, but I don't know."

Zoe might be onto something.

She also said they "were impressed that Enzo promoted Merlot to Head Treat Beggar. My roommate says this is called 'delegating,' but I think it is good for there to be another trained treat beggar in the house.

I only get three treats a day: an Orchard Loop, an Apple Healthy Snacker, and a Meadow Loop."

That's two more than I get. So I give Zoe's human an A+ "rating" for treats.

Last but not least is the email from my friend Terry. 

It was so nice. He and Winston, Hannah and Benjamin always send me nice emails. 

First he said he reread Abigail's final chapters and it made him cry. He's not the only one. 

Then he talked about Enzo.

"I felt all along that Enzo would be up to the task, and he has proven it to be true, week after week.

Yes, he did indeed have little shoes to fill, but he did so beautifully and should be very proud of himself.

I would point out anything that needs to be improved, but there really isn't anything.

As Dad told him, write what helps people understand bunnies, or about what's happening at the House of Buns, or put another way—write what's in your heart.

Enzo is doing an excellent job, and we look forward to what he has to say every Wednesday."

I want to thank everyone who gave me suggestions and help for this performance review "project." You helped me more than you can imagine.

I give you all a 5 out of 5.


Spokesrabbit, Small Pet Select
Inventor of the First Chew holiday
Word for 2025: "Ask"

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