Chapter 287 - Coming to Terms
Two months had passed since Merlot first came to the House of Buns. Although the three buns got along, Abigail would usually run away if Merlot got too close.
One night, as Abigail sat by the window, Merlot decided to try again. First, she sat about two feet away from Abigail. Abigail didn’t move. After about fifteen minutes, Merlot decided to move closer. Rather than run towards her, Merlot slowly approached Abigail and asked, “Can we be friends?” Abigail said, “OK, as long as you respect that this is MY territory and I’m the alpha bun!”
Merlot said, “That’s OK with me. I’m just happy to be here!” Abigail put her head down and granted her permission to groom. Merlot licked Abigail’s head and ears. This went on for fifteen minutes.
Dad, who was watching TV, looked over and saw the two of them. “Oh my gosh, would you look at that?” he gasped. His heart melted. Perhaps they would become the “Three Amigos,” after all!

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