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Chapter 52 – Bunny Love Language

Chapter 52 - Bunny Love Language

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Bentley,” whispered Dad softly as he gently petted Bentley, “I love you!” Now that Abigail was gone, Bentley had taken over her role as the nightly pet bunny.

Bentley thought, “I love you, too, Dad. Can you tell?” Dad replied, “Well, to tell the truth, sometimes it’s hard to tell. It’s not like you snuggle in my lap or lick my hand.”

Bentley explained, “Bunny love language is a lot more subtle than that, Dad. We show love by how we trust you. You notice I don’t let strangers pet me. I run under the bed and hide. Even if I know the human, I’ll still stay in my loaf position while they pet me, in case I need to bolt. But with you, I stay flopped on my side because I trust you. And even though it’s not natural for me to like being picked up, I let you pick me up. If anyone else tried that, I’d grunt and lunge!” Dad thought about it for a moment. It was true. Bentley acted much more aggressively towards strangers than to him.

Bentley reminded him, “Remember how Abigail wouldn’t even let you pet her when she first arrived? But at the end, she even let you snuggle her under your sweatshirt. That was true love!” Dad smiled. Bentley was right. Bunnies telegraphed their love if you understood how to read them. He now looked back on those bittersweet final weeks with Abigail with fondness. Bentley had just given him a happy Valentine’s Day. 🐾💖

Bentley helps Dad understand bunny love language.

Would you like to read more of Abigail's blogs?  See them all HERE.

Chapter 52 - Bunny Love Language

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Bentley,” whispered Dad softly as he gently petted Bentley, “I love you!” Now that Abigail was gone, Bentley had taken over her role as the nightly pet bunny.

Bentley thought, “I love you, too, Dad. Can you tell?” Dad replied, “Well, to tell the truth, sometimes it’s hard to tell. It’s not like you snuggle in my lap or lick my hand.”

Bentley explained, “Bunny love language is a lot more subtle than that, Dad. We show love by how we trust you. You notice I don’t let strangers pet me. I run under the bed and hide. Even if I know the human, I’ll still stay in my loaf position while they pet me, in case I need to bolt. But with you, I stay flopped on my side because I trust you. And even though it’s not natural for me to like being picked up, I let you pick me up. If anyone else tried that, I’d grunt and lunge!” Dad thought about it for a moment. It was true. Bentley acted much more aggressively towards strangers than to him.

Bentley reminded him, “Remember how Abigail wouldn’t even let you pet her when she first arrived? But at the end, she even let you snuggle her under your sweatshirt. That was true love!” Dad smiled. Bentley was right. Bunnies telegraphed their love if you understood how to read them. He now looked back on those bittersweet final weeks with Abigail with fondness. Bentley had just given him a happy Valentine’s Day. 🐾💖

Bentley helps Dad understand bunny love language.

Would you like to read more of Abigail's blogs?  See them all HERE.

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