Chapter 51 - Noticing Changes
“Hobo! Breakfast is here! Let’s go!” exclaimed Mocha as he ran over to the food tray. Normally, Hobo would race him to the tray, but today, he just hung back. Hobo always vacuumed up the tray. This was unusual for him. Hobo ambled over to the tray and looked at it. He grabbed a dandelion leaf and munched on it, slowly.
“What’s the matter, Hobo? Aren’t you hungry?” asked Mocha. Hobo replied, “My mouth hurts. It hurts when I chew.” He finished the leaf and laid down. Mocha said, “Hobo, you need to eat! I need you to be around.” Mocha knew they needed to let Dad know, but how?
Later in the day, Dad came aboard the Starship Bunnyprise to pick up their tray for dinner. There was still plenty of food left on it. Normally, the tray would be empty fifteen minutes after he served breakfast! Dad noticed the change and asked, “What’s up guys? Do you not like the greens anymore? It’s not like you to not finish.”
The next morning, the same thing happened, so Dad checked the videos from the rabbit camera. He noticed Hobo was only nibbling on food – very unusual for him. Dad called the vet and explained, “He acts normal, he’s eating and pooping, but not his usual amount. I’d like to bring him in for a health check. Maybe take a look at his teeth.”
Knowing that a rabbit not eating could be a serious problem, the vet squeezed him in the next day. Dad packed up Mocha and Hobo in a carrier and off to the vet they went.
Dr. Deng looked Hobo over. “He has a partial facial paralysis,” she noted. She checked his teeth. “Yes, his back teeth are growing sideways. They’re digging into his cheek. That’s probably why he’s not eating,” she observed, “He needs a tooth trim. It requires anesthesia, so it’s too late today, but we can take care of it first thing tomorrow if you want to leave him overnight.” Dad agreed. He gave Hobo a pet and assured him, “Don’t worry, Hobo. I’ll be back for you tomorrow. I promise!”
That night, Mocha spent the night alone for the first time in years. He just laid with his chin on the floor, looking depressed. “I miss Hobo,” he thought. Dad assured him, “Don’t worry, he’ll be OK. He’ll be back tomorrow.”
Mid-day the next day, Dad received a text message from the vet. “Hobo did fine with his tooth trim. He’s awake and ready to go home.” Dad headed over the hill to pick up his big boy.
Hobo heard Dad’s voice as they carried him out to the waiting room. He was excited to go home! He listened as the vet explained, “He has an ear infection, which could be causing pressure on his facial nerve. I’ve put him on antibiotics to see if that clears it up and relieves the pressure. His teeth have been trimmed, but it will take a few days for his cheek to heal. I’m prescribing some pain medication for that. We’ll need to keep an eye on his teeth.”
Dad “beamed” him back to the Starship Bunnyprise where Mocha was waiting. “I missed you, Hobo! Are you OK?” asked Mocha as he ran circles around his buddy. Hobo said, “Yes, I’m OK now. My mouth doesn’t hurt as much.” He laid down inside their hidey box. Mocha plopped down right on top of him. He was SO happy to have his buddy home. “Thanks for noticing, Dad,” he thought, “I knew you’d take care of him!”

It's time to visit the vet when Dad notices a change.
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