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Chapter 56 – The Art of Chillaxing

Chapter 56 - The Art of Chillaxing

Merlot and Enzo were relaxing by the window when Dad came into the living room. “Gosh guys, I’m tired. I need to relax,” said Dad as he plopped down on the couch. Enzo adjusted himself and leaned against the wooden hearth. Merlot looked up at Dad.

Just then, Dad jumped back up and went to the kitchen to get something. He returned a few minutes later and laid back down on the couch. Merlot was about to close her eyes, when Dad jumped up again and went over to his computer. She heard the keys click for awhile. Then, Dad came back to the couch and plopped back down.

Merlot asked, “Enzo, Dad’s not very good at relaxing, is he?” Enzo opened his eyes and replied, “No, not really. He always moving. It hard to nap when he do that!” Enzo got up and went behind the couch to take his afternoon nap in peace. Merlot looked up at Dad and thought, “Dad, we need to teach you how to relax. We call it ‘chillaxing.’ Just chill and relax. Like this!” Merlot demonstrated by flopping over on her back and looked at him upside down. “You don’t need to run zoomies all the time!” she advised.

Dad looked at Merlot on her back and said, “Aww, so cute! You’re right, I need to just chill more. It’s just hard for me. But I’ll try.” It was true. Enzo and Merlot were pros when it came to chillaxing. He could learn a thing or two from his little buns.

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