Chapter 54 - Supervet
“Enzo, you look like you’ve lost weight. Are you OK?” asked Dad. Dad had kept an eye on Enzo, he seemed to be eating normally. But he felt thinner. “Let’s check your weight,” suggested Dad. Enzo was an unusually good bun and let Dad pick him up and take him over to the scale. Dad set him down gently and waited for the scale to settle. “Oh my gosh!,” he exclaimed, “You HAVE lost weight! You’ve lost a half pound in one month! We’d better get you in for a health check!”
Enzo thought, “My mouf hurt.” But he didn’t know how to tell Dad.
A few days later, they were at the vet. Enzo remembered Dr. Stern. Before he came to live at the House of Buns, he had a bum leg. The shelter doctor was going to cut it off! But Dad took him to Dr. Stern, and she fixed his leg with some medication. He was grateful! Another time, he had stopped eating. Dr. Stern nursed him back to health. He liked her.
Dr. Stern checked him over and looked in his mouth. She said, “Oh yes, here’s the reason. He’s got a tooth curving sideways into his cheek.” It was already late on Friday afternoon. Dad didn’t think they’d be able to do surgery this late in the day. He asked, “Can this wait until next week?” Dr. Stern looked concerned, “Well, let me check our schedule and see if we can do it today.” Fortunately for Enzo, they had a cancellation, so she could take care of it immediately, saving them another trip over the hill and more importantly, stop the pain in Enzo’s mouth!
A couple of hours later, Enzo’s tooth was fixed. He was still a little groggy from the anesthesia when Dad picked him up. On the car ride home, Enzo thought, “Dr. Stern a hero! She save me – three times!” Dad said, “Yes, and not just you! She saved Abigail a number of times. And Bentley, too. I don’t think there’s a bun at The House of Buns that she hasn’t saved at one time or another. We’re so lucky to have a rabbit vet like her so close. She’s probably the best rabbit vet on the west coast!”
Enzo thought, “She like Superman. She Supervet! She should wear a cape! Superheroes wear capes!” Dad laughed. “Well, yes, you have a good point. Let me work on that.”
That night, Dad whipped up a poster on his computer that mimicked the Superman movie poster, except it featured Dr. Stern as Supervet and her staff as the costars. Dad called Enzo over, “Enzo, is this what you had in mind?” Enzo looked at the poster. “Dat it!”
Dad chuckled, “OK! I’ll get this printed and we’ll give it to her the next time we see her!” Enzo thought that was a grand idea!

Enzo thinks Dr. Stern is a superhero for saving him.
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