Chapter 11 - Abigail Lives On
Enzo and Merlot were munching on their treats one morning when Dad exclaimed, “Enzo! You got a message from Abigail-Dinks. Do you remember her? She’s a bunny named after Abigail.”
Enzo stopped his munching and looked up with his pretty blue eyes and thought, “I remember her. What she say?”
Dad read the note to him, “When Abigail went to sleep, my Bunmom was deeply touched by Dad's chapters and she decided to do sumting. She volunteered to be a Pet Loss Advisor for Blue Cross. She's now half way through training.”
Enzo thought, “Dat nice. Abigail still inspire people!”
Dad went on, “Yes, Abigail lives on in everyone’s heart. You know what else? A nice woman named Ranae made a large donation to The Rabbit Haven in honor of Abigail. She said she really enjoyed Abigail’s writing and that it was like a little bunny soap opera. She cried like a baby when she read about her last day. She said Abigail definitely left her mark on the bun-loving community. That brought the total amount people donated in Abigail’s memory to over $10,000! Isn’t that wonderful?”
“Wow,” thought Enzo, “Dat nice of Abigail’s fans. Can we thank them?” Dad said, “Enzo, that’s a great idea! Let’s do that!”
Enzo says thank you to everyone who donated in Abigail’s memory. He sends this copy of Abigail’s Wish in hopes her story will continue to inspire you to make the world a better place for rabbits.
Barb T |
Lorena R |
Cynthia S |
Lindsey S |
Claudia D |
Jean S |
Rose N |
James W |
Peggy B |
Marie C |
Suzanne G |
Briana M |
C M |
Robert B |
Michelle D |
Marla W |
Andrew C |
Linda T |
Valerie H |
Debi B |
Alina R |
Jeanne W |
Andrew B |
Jonas O |
Miss Bunny's Menagerie |
Naomi O |
Carley S |
Lisa M |
Nikki L |
DynaMo Consulting |
Charlotte C |
Paul H |
Michael P |
Christine L |
Nicole E |
Renee D |
Linda S |
Anja N |
Leslie K |
Ruth F |
Terri C |
Brennie B |
Larry W |
Denise K |
Marilyn C |
Joselle G |
Larry G |
Bibi C |
Laureen W |
Arwen H |
Amy C |
Andrea H |
Jacquelyn L |
Kendra P |
Eva S |
ORR Technology |
Noelle R |
Maryann M |
Andrew O |
Alexis G |
Diana L |
Pamela H |
Tina K |
Thomas C |
Beverly G |
Neyda R |
Adrienne B |
Julie B |
Brittany B |
Carolyn M |
Francis T |
Sharon H |
Shantrece's Boutique |
Kathleen L |
Kurt N |
Christina C |
Mashhur A |
Kylie J |
Ashley C |
Sam H |
Ranae D |

Would you like to read more of Abigail's blogs? See them all HERE.