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Chapter 18 – The Love of Buns

Chapter 18 - The Love of Buns

“I love you guys,” said Dad as he leaned in and gave Enzo and Merlot each a kiss on the head.

Merlot asked Enzo, “Why does he love us?” Enzo replied, “I dunno. Ask him.” Merlot said, “You ask him!” Enzo replied, “Your question. You ask him!”

Merlot looked up at Dad and thought, “We were just wondering, why do you love rabbits so much?”

Dad stopped to think for a moment. He explained, “Well, there are lots of reasons. You’re quiet. It’s a challenge to win your trust. You need protection. But I suppose when you boil it all down, it’s because I think rabbits are so cute! You’re cute when you bathe. You’re cute when you eat. You’re cute when you binky. You’re even cute when you sleep! You’re just so freakin’ adorable!”

Merlot wondered, “Do you think you’ll always love us?”

Dad replied, “Of course, sweetheart. I will always love you. Unconditionally. I promise.”

That was a good enough answer for Merlot. She snuggled up against Enzo and said, “I guess it’s a good thing we’re cute, Enzo.”

Which melted Dad’s heart even more.

Merlot wonders why Dad loves rabbits so much.

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