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Chapter 19 – Party Time

Chapter 19 - Party Time

It was the 4th of July. In America, it was time to celebrate Independence Day. Unfortunately, for rabbits and other animals, humans liked to light up the sky with exploding fireworks to celebrate.

Just before dark, Enzo and Merlot watched Dad come into the living room and announce, “Hey guys! It’s party time! Let’s have a little July 4th party!”

Dad turned on the fan to generate some white noise. Then he played some music on the stereo – not too loud, just normal listening level. He made sure all the windows were closed. This way, any fireworks noise would be covered up by other noise and the buns wouldn’t notice.

To help distract them, Dad brought out one of his famous “foraging balls,” where he took willow branches and weaved them into a ball and stuffed it full of hay and treats. Dad said, “Here you go! Here’s a party ball for you!” Enzo and Merlot came bounding over and began tearing at the ball. Dad did the same for Bentley, Mocha, and Hobo.

The buns chewed on their foraging balls, oblivious to the popping sounds of fireworks outside in the night sky. They were busy with their own party, inside.

Enzo and Merlot are too busy with their party ball to notice fireworks.

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