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Chapter 30 – Enzo The Tech

Chapter 30- Enzo The Tech

Enzo and Merlot sat by the sliding door in Dad’s office. They liked to keep Dad company while he worked on his ‘puter. Enzo watched Dad as he came in the door and walked around the desk to sit down. It seemed like the long way around. Enzo thought, “Dad. Why walk so far?” Dad explained, “The wireless printer stopped working and I didn’t have time to figure it out, so I just ran a cable over there. I have to walk around to the other side because the cable is in the way.” Dad had draped the cable over a chair to keep it out of the rabbits’ reach.

That night, after Dad went to bed, Enzo and Merlot were up to their nightly antics. Enzo said, “Merlot, let’s help Dad fix his printer. Then he don’t have to walk so far. It should be wireless.” Merlot didn’t really understand tech, but she was game. She followed Enzo over to the chair where the cable was draped. She asked, “What do we do?”

Enzo explained, “If there no wire, it be wireless!” Enzo hopped up on the chair. He stood up on his back feet so he could reach the printer cable. Enzo grabbed the cable with his teeth and pulled it down on the floor. “OK, just chew the cable and it be gone!” The two rabbits used their sharp teeth to cut through the cable.

The next day, when Dad sat down at his computer and went to print a message, nothing happened. “That’s odd,” he thought, “It was working yesterday.” He went over and looked at the printer. He checked the connections. They were fine. The printer was ready. Then he noticed the cable was on the floor. When he picked up the cable, he noticed the insulation was gone and some bare wires stuck out.

For the next couple of hours, Dad worked on getting the wireless printer to work with the new network that he had set up for the rabbit cameras.

Enzo was napping behind the couch when he heard the familiar whirring sound of the printer. He hopped over to the office to see what was going on. Dad looked at Enzo and asked, “Do you know anything about this cable?” Enzo looked up with his big blue eyes and thought, “Yes! We help you convert to wireless. It work now, right?”

Dad just laughed. “Well, yes it does! Thanks for your help.”

Merlot hopped up next to Enzo. Enzo said proudly, “See? I told you. We help Dad!” Merlot was impressed that Enzo knew so much about tech.

Enzo helps Dad solve his wireless printer problem.

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