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Chapter 16 – Enzo The Unicorn

Chapter 16 - Enzo The Unicorn

Enzo was having his weekly chat with his boss, Belinda. She seemed wise and had been around the block a few times. A question had been knocking around inside his head for awhile, so he thought he’d ask her.

“Belinda, is der a horn growing out of my head?” he asked.

Belinda’s ears went up. Her eyesight wasn’t the best, so she leaned closer to the screen to look. She squinted a bit. She didn’t see anything. She wondered what made him ask such an odd question.

Enzo explained, “Dad was hugging me de udder day and said I was his unicorn bunny. I looked it up and der was a piture of a horse with a horn. I thought maybe I had a horn.”

Although you couldn’t tell, Belinda smiled. She understood what Dad was saying. She explained to Enzo that unicorns are rare and unique and that Dad probably meant that he was a rare and unique bunny because he liked being picked up and hugged. Most bunnies don’t.

Enzo’s ears went up in surprise. He said, “Ohhh. Dat’s what he meant! I get it now. Tanks.”

The two rabbits continued on with their meeting and discussed their favorite treats.

Enzo asks Belinda if she sees a horn on his head.

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